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  • Enllaç a les bases de la Mostra d'Art Públic Universitat Pública

In 2024, the Universitat de València organises the 27th edition of the ‘Mostra art públic / universitat pública,’ promoted by the Student Council Branch, organised by the Information and Promotion Service for Students (Sedi) and with the collaboration of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society.

The ‘Mostra art públic / universitat pública’ joins the celebration of the 525th anniversary of the Universitat de València.

Submission deadline  

Starting from the day after the publication on the Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government, DOGV), until 23 April 2024, at 2 p.m. [Pending publication].


Persons of legal age of any nationality or place of residence. Proposals can be submitted through an individual or collective application. Each participant or team can submit only one application and one project.

The winners of previous editions are not eligible for the following two editions.


Any kind of ephemeral public art project can be submitted for exhibition at the Universitat de València's Burjassot or Blasco Ibáñez campuses for a period of four weeks, fixed between September and December 2024. [Campus Blasco Ibáñez, PDF] [Campus Burjassot, PDF]

The following conditions shall be taken into account:

  • The intervention proposed in the project may in no case involve aggression, or deterioration of the buildings, facilities or the architectural urban context of the campuses, nor may it interfere with the activities and work carried out within the university facilities.
  • Art installations located outside the campuses have to be adapted to their outdoor location and daytime schedule, and therefore the materials and conditions of the installation have to guarantee resistance to the weather over a four-week period. Likewise, indoor installations also have to guarantee resistance.
  • The images and/or music used for the development of the projects may not be subject to property rights and, in any case, the artist is responsible for using and obtaining the rights to use both.


Applications must be submitted using the form available at the Online Office of the Universitat de València.

Those who are not members of the Universitat de València have to access through ‘Sistema Cl@ve’ or sign up in the Online Office of the UV; in this case, they have to access from ‘Online Office user’, then click ‘applying for access’ and follow the instructions on the platform. [Instructions for registering as an Online Office user, PDF]

Criteria for the evaluation of projects (up to 10 points)

The jury will apply the following criteria in the evaluation of the projects:

  • Artistic quality of the project (up to 5 points).
  • Relation of the projects to the object of the rules (up to 1.5 points).
  • Adaptation of the artistic interventions to the architectural space to the campus (up to 1 point).
  • Dynamism, ability to transform, and to adapt to the environment (up to 0.5 points).
  • Relation to lines of research of any research structure of the Universitat de València (up to 1 point).
  • Addition of one or more values of the Universitat de València to the projects –be it through their perspective, definition, theme, material used, etc.– (up to 1 point): Commitment to cultural identity, Excellence, Social and economic progress, Transparency, Justice, Equality, Solidarity and cooperation, and Sustainability.

Cash prize

The cash prize for each of the 12 selected projects is €2,000. This prize will be paid as follows: 50 % after the resolution of the grant, and the other 50 % once the exhibition has finished (including dismantling the installations and submitting an explanatory text of the work for the catalogue). The cash prize indicated for each project is subject to the corresponding deductions and taxes applicable in each case.


  • Two professional artists or researchers in the field of visual arts.
  • Ester Alba, vice-principal for Culture and Society of the Universitat de València.
  • Marcos Durá, student delegate of the Universitat de València.
  • Technical staff of both the Information and Promotion Service for Students, and the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society.

Rules and regulations

You can consult the rules and regulations of this call on the Official Bulletin Board of the Universitat de València. 

Any questions?

You can email enquiries at