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  Student suport (TiquetingUV) Face to Face with prior appointment Online Office UV
Virtual office


Application for a University Degree

It can be requested through Entreu.uv.es

  • It is not necessary to go to the secretary of the Facultat.
  • The payment of the title is made by debit/credit card by payment gateway and the student obtains the certificate of having paid the rights for the issuance of the title in a digitally signed pdf document.

Withdrawal of the University Degree

A. For the interested party

  1. He/She will receive the notification that their title is in our Secretary.
  2. You will request an appointment through the following link. The collection schedules will be from Monday to Friday from 10 to 13 hours and Thursday from 16 to 18 hours.

If you need any questions contact us through the following form or phone: 963 82 85 49.

  1. The interested party will go to the secretariay of the faculty on the day and time assigned by appointment and provided with valid ID or passport and the deposit slip.

B. By person other than the interested person/a:
By means of a power of attorney issued expressly for the withdrawal of the official university degree. Providing the documentation:

  • ID not expired of the authorized.
  • Photocopy of the valid ID of the authorized person

Request to send the title to another community or abroad

The person concerned to who resides in other autonomous communities or abroad,  may apply to his or her home faculty of the Universitat de València, the processing of the delivery of the university degree, which must be collected at their the Government Delegation, Embassy or Consular Office of his residence.


1.- Request by electronic instance through Tiqueting indicating:

  • Address of the Delegation or Sub-delegation of the Government (other communities), Embassy or Consulate (Other countries), where you want to receive the title.
  • Address, telephone and e-mail details of the interested person so that the Delegation or Embassy, once the Official Title arrives, can notify you.

2.- A receipt will be sent to the student to pay the shipping fee (15,00 € destination Spain, 30 € destination Europe, 50 € destination other countries)

3.- The title will be sent and the interested person must pick it up in person at the place he/she has requested once the payment of the fee has been confirmed or by power of attorney.

Request for duplicate for loss of official title

It is essential to publish in the BOE a notice of loss by the interested party/a.

The interested party/a requests through the General Registry of the Universitat de València a duplicate of the lost title. The application must be accompanied by a photocopy of the current ID card.

Once the Secretary has made the provisional announcement of the loss in the BOE, the information will be sent to the interested party so that it can continue with the processing. The amount of the announcement is about 100 euros. (according to BOE insertion rates)

The announcement will have to be published 30 working days. From the day after this deadline, the interested party will send the extract of the notice through the following form to manage the receipt of the deposit of the title (27,34 euros). Once the confirmation of payment is attached, you will be sent the deposit of the title that will be your provisional title until collected by the official.

Request for a duplicate for the deterioration of the official title

  1. Electronic request through Tiqueting:
  2. At the Secretary's Office, a duplicate receipt for modification will be generated, the amount of which will be 27.34 euros and will be sent to the interested party. 
  3. The interested party will request an appointment to present the damaged title, a photocopy of the valid ID card and the paid fee at the Secretary's Office. 
  4. The provisional deposit of the title will be made and the duplicate will be processed. 


The fees are fixed annually by a decree of the Generalitat Valenciana.

Regulatory regulation