Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

The Faculty of Economics offers a wide range of official Masters programmes adapted to the new regulations covering university courses that allow the student to become the true protagonist and focus of the learning process.

These wide-ranging Masters programmes provide an advanced education, of specialised or multi-disciplinary nature, geared towards academic or professional specialisation in economic and business areas, or one leading on to research work in these areas.

If you need a personalized information about the Masters you can go to the Postgraduate Office of the Faculty of Economics located at E03 (mezzanine) . Consult public opening hours.

The Faculty of Economics will provide the following Masters programmes:

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  • Master's Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance
    imatge de la noticiaThe Master’s is addressed to university graduates, preferably in Economics, Business Administration and Management, Actuarial and Financial Sciences, Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, etc.), Computing Sciences, engineers and architects with a strong education background in quantitative methods. The main objective of the Master’s is to train experts capable of making assessment works, of management and advising in the field of finances. Specifically: -Will develop their activity using intensively, advanced quantitative and computing techniques, which will allow them to take complex decisions optimally. -Will know the functioning of the financial system, the different alternatives of allocation resources, asset appraisal and risk management and its articulation in the general context of economy. Particularly, they have to be capable of identifying and anticipating the economic and financial problems relevant in any given situation, to discuss the alternatives which facilitate its resolution and select the most appropriated for the objectives and to assess the results produced. They have to be capable of carrying out research projects with the objective, if they wished it and meet the requirements, of accessing a doctoral degree using the research potential of a large group of professors involved in the inter-university programme.
  • Master's Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance
    Recommended admission profile

    It is addressed to graduates, preferably in Economics, Business Administration and Management, Actuarial and Financial Sciences, Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, etc.) Computing, Engineers and Architects with a solid education in quantitative methods.

  • Master's Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance
    Admission criteria

    The selection will be based on academic criteria, and it is essential that the candidate presents his/her academic record and curriculum. The students also are recommended to provide two recommendation letters signed by professors of their respective degrees or any academic programme.

    It will be considered as a merit to certificate a sufficient level of written and oral English (it is recommended a mark over 550 in the TOEFL test, of A level in the Cambridge First Certificate, or level 6 in the IELTS of the British Council). Also, it will be considerate as a preferential merit to hold a scholarship for taking the course.

    Additionally, it will be considered a preferential merit to have passed the Graduate Management Administration Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination.

    The student must provide:

    -Academic record


    -Brief letter where they have to indicate the reasons why they want to make this Master’s

    -Two recommendation letters from professors of the degree.

    -Proof of English level proficiency

    -Proof of income (if applicable)


  • Master's Degree in Banking and Quantitative Finance
    Credit: 120
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 30
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 29,39 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Complutense University of Madrid and Basque Country University.
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences
    imatge de la noticiaThe traditional separation between business and/or financial institutions and insurance companies is being increasingly overcome and the major financial conglomerates operate in all sectors of the market offering its customers all kinds of savings, risk or credit products. This means that the different risks and their treatment, objective of actuarial studies, are not studied separately but as common management tools. Consequently, it is necessary to train professionals in the financial field, with solid knowledge of stochastic financial calculation, assets and financial markets, banking, portfolio management, financial risk management, etc., and in the specific areas of insurance such as social welfare, life and non-life insurance, reinsurance or newer issues such as health benefits and benefits for persons in need of long-term care. Students will be trained for professional practice in a wide range of the world of work, allowing them to work efficiently not only in financial institutions and insurance companies, but also in any company that, being subject to various risks, will have to evaluate and manage them to ensure its survival.
  • Master's Degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences
    Recommended admission profile

    Applicants should have completed advanced studies in economics, especially in the field of finance and insurance; for example, the licenciaturas in Economics or Business Management and Administration, the diplomaturas in Business Science or the old licenciatura in Economic and Business Sciences. The equivalent EHEA undergraduate degrees in Finance, Insurance, Finance and Accounting, Finance and Insurance, etc. are equally valid.

    Applicants should also have solid training in mathematics and/or statistics as the Master's contains a large part of these matters. Consequently, holders of a licenciatura, diplomatura or undergraduate degree in Physics, Mathematics or Statistics can apply for admission. Some fields of Engineering are also adequate.

    Without limiting the possibilities of access to one or more degrees, it is advisable for students to be knowledgeable about quantitative finance and economics, because the objectives of the Master’s degree consist of training for proper assessment and management of all types of risks. Thus the student should be interested both in financial issues as in the mathematical and statistical techniques to treat them.


  • Master's Degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences
    Training complements

    Depending on the academic background of the student, the Academic Coordinating Committee may require additional training in the following subjects:


    Accounting    6 ECTS
    Financial Economics    6 ECTS
    Statistics    6 ECTS
    Mathematics    6 ECTS
    Economic Theory (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics)    6 ECTS


  • Master's Degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences
    Admission criteria

    Admission of students will be based on the following specific criteria:
    - Adequacy of the student profile.
    - Academic record.
    - Personal interview.

  • Master's Degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences
    Credit: 120
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 30
    Language: Spanish, valencian and english
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Accounting, Auditing and Management Control
    imatge de la noticiaThe Master's Degree in Accountancy, Auditing and Management Control expects to offer a more specific training than that offered in the undergraduate degrees, with the general objective of students having a deep knowledge of the matters that make up the accountancy discipline, as well as training in the skills and competences of an expert in accounting or an auditor. With this in mind, it expects to contribute to the excellence in the accountancy profession, that occupies itself with the internal and external information systems of companies and bodies, which plays a key role in the economic activity. Furthermore, another of the objectives of the Master's Degree is to give students the theoretical training required by the ICAC for preparing them as auditors, consequently its curriculum is adapted to the content and workload of the courses demanded in the Resolution of 8 October 2010 of the Institute of Accountancy and Auditing.
  • Master's Degree in Accounting, Auditing and Management Control
    Recommended admission profile

    Those applicants who are holders of an university degree such as the Licenciatura (Former Spanish Undergradute Degree) in Business Management and Administration, the Undergraduate Degrees Business Management and Administration or Finances and Accountancy or the Diplomatura (Former Spanish Undergraduate Degree) in Business Sciences. Falling this, it will be considered is if the applicants have completed, in their previous university studies, subjects related to the Master’s Degree, such as, general accountancy subjects, accounting analysis, costs or audit with a study load similar to the one of the degrees mentioned above.

    In the case of students with special educational needs, the support and counselling services of the UV will assess the need of the possible curricular adaptations, pathways or alternative studies.

    The applicants whose mother tongue is not Spanish should prove a language level equal or superior to B2 according to the Euoropean parametres for this purpose. The prove of this should be done by a supporting document, or contacting with the Master’s Degree directors in order to establish an alternative procedure.
    This level according to the linguistic qualifications set by Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, guarantees that the student can follow up the teachings properly; understanding the main ideas of complex texts which deal with specific and abstract topics, even if they are of technical nature and always that they are within their specialisation field, producing clear and detailed texts on different topics, as well as defending a point of view on general topics indicating the advantages and disadvantages of the different options.


  • Master's Degree in Accounting, Auditing and Management Control
    Admission criteria

    For setting the order of the application forms, the following criteria will be applied: Academic record (up to a maximum of 10 points); this criteria takes into account the average mark of the academic record.

    In the pre-registration you must indicate compulsorily the specialisation that you wish to take.

    For the purposes of scaling the student’s academic record, the marks and average mark must be expressed on a 0-10 scale. Where it is not the case, students must submit a request to ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain) to obtain their grade point average equivalence. For more information about how to apply, please visit:



  • Master's Degree in Accounting, Auditing and Management Control
    Credit: 90
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 60
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Creating and Managing Innovative Companies
    imatge de la noticiaPresent-day society in an international level lives the determined irruption of new types of small companies under names such as: technology-based companies, new high-tech companies or knowledge-intensive companies. These companies belong to the so called high-tech sectors, which begin their consolidation in Spain as opportunity and employment sectors and that will not stop growing in the next years. The obvious slowdown of the main engines of Spanish economy, construction and tourism, confirms the decisive role that these new business methods are called to play in the future competitiveness of our country. Technology-based companies belonging to sectors of advanced technology and innovative companies, usually require a new profile that link scientific and technological knowledge with business one, opening thus new professional ways. Moreover, in a growing number of companies, institutions and public and private organizations is required a new professional profile: manager of innovation. The Master’s Degree in Creation and Management of New Technology-Based Companies offers basic training in the management of projects R & D of companies and public or private institutions, such as research foundations, technological institutes or consulting companies. In this way, the Master’s aims to establishes itself not only as breeding ground of innovative entrepreneurs, but also of specialized professionals in the management of innovation.
  • Master's Degree in Creating and Managing Innovative Companies
    Recommended admission profile

    The recommended profile for admission is the following; in any case, applicants must hold a university degree:

    . The Graduates on scientific and technological areas of Valencian universities mainly of the University of Valencia and the Universitat Politécnica of Valencia, which propose the possibility of creating entrepreneurs of innovative companies in the near future.

    . Entrepreneurs, founders and technicians of technology based companies already existent in the Valencian Region, motivated by the need to incorporate a broad-based knowledge in management and organization of companies in advanced technology sectors.

    The Master’s will accept candidates with education in various degrees, with the following order of priority:

    1. Licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree), engineering (or degree) in degrees of scientific and technical fields.

    2. Licenciatura or degree in Business Management and Administration and Economics.

    3. Finally, if there are free places and always that have been passed the process of selection, candidates with other degrees or licenciaturas.

    Admission requirements, in order of preferences:

    1. University Degree

    2. Academic record.

    3. Working experience

    4. Demonstrable interest in the contents and professional careers of the Master’s Degree in Creation and Management of New Technology-Based Companies.


  • Master's Degree in Creating and Managing Innovative Companies
    Admission criteria

    The Master’s will accept candidates with education in various degrees, with the following order of priority:

    1. Licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree), engineering (or degree) in degrees of scientific and technical fields.

    2. Licenciatura or degree in Business Management and Administration and Economics.

    3. Finally, if there are free places and always that have been passed the process of selection, candidates with other degrees or licenciaturas. Admission requirements, in order of preferences:

    1. University Degree

    2. Academic record.

    3. Working experience4. Demonstrable interest in the contents and professional careers of the Master’s Degree in Creation and Management of New Technology-Based Companies.

  • Master's Degree in Creating and Managing Innovative Companies
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 35
    Language: Spanish and english
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Specific website:
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Business Management. MBA
    imatge de la noticiaIt is now unanimously accepted and recognised that the Business Management or of any other type of organization requires a broad set of competences that are so many knowledge, skills, attitudes, which can be acquired through an adequate specific training. The complexity of the business activity and the increasing turbulence of the socio-economic environment in which it develops, require a kind of Management that leaves no mere improvisation and intuition of the entrepreneur, and it is based on a specific training and updated training. It is proven that the adaptation and quality of the managers training positively influences, and in a significant way, in the development and business results, and constitutes a distinguishing feature of the most competitive companies. The Valencian Community is a territory of a large business, with leading business sectors in Spain and internationally pointers. The training of its managers is especially important in the case of Valencia, as most of its companies are SMEs, with very small management teams and great difficulties in accessing the specialized knowledge that require the competition today. The MBA allow to train the managers in all the functional areas of the company, in addition to general management.
  • Master's Degree in Business Management. MBA
    Recommended admission profile

    · Holders of University degrees of the area of sciences, engineering, health sciences, as well as from humanities, social sciences and economics or law. They will be required to take courses of bridging courses, which are not in the curriculum and are considered a specific admission requirement.
    ·Graduate in any degree that comes from the area of business/business management.

  • Master's Degree in Business Management. MBA
    Training complements

    Students admitted in the MBA who don’t come from degrees of the area of business or business management, in order to achieve the learning outcomes we recommend them to take bridging courses. These courses are a maximum of 12 ECTS and they are no part of the programme of the Master’s Degree.
    The bridging courses cover the following aspects: Business Management (2 credits), Financial and Management Accounting (2 credits), Economy (3 credits), Quantitative techniques (4 credits) and Law (1 credit).
    The Academic Coordinating Committee will indicate to each of the admitted students in the programme, depending on their previous knowledge for studies or professional experience, and after analysing their CV, and where relevant, through a personal interview, which are the bridging courses they should take.
    Such training will be obtained through the autonomous work of the student, exercises or development of papers, individual or group exercises, guided through tutorials done by the professors responsible of the subjects linked.

  • Master's Degree in Business Management. MBA
    Admission criteria
    • Degree: Up to 2 points, which are given as follows:
      • Graduated, Licenciado o Diplomado (Former Spanish Undergraduate Degree) in the business field: 0,5 points
      • Diplomado or Technical Engineer of other degrees: 1,5 points
      • Diplomado or Technical Engineer of other degrees: 2 points
    • Academic record: Up to 10 points, which are given as follows
      • Average mark of the academic record, from 0 to 10 points.
    • Interest showed in their studies: Up to 10 points, which are given as follows:
      • MBA is the first opiton: 10 points
      • MBA is the Master’s Degree second option: 5 points
      • MBA is the third option (or the following): 0 points
    • Language skills (English): Up to 1 points, which are given as follows:
      • Candidates have at least a B2 level of English: 1 point
    • Professional experience in management: Up to 2 points, which are given as follows:
      • Candidates who have professional experience in management, at manager level and certified by a contract: up to 2 points.
    • Cover letter: Up to 2 points, which are given as follows
      • The candidate presents a little enthusiastic and opaque letter: 0,5 points
      • Presents a letter which shows a great interest in taking the Master’s Degree: up to 2 points.

    Exclusion criterion: Non-Spanish speakers who don’t have an official certificate of Spanish language level B2.

  • Master's Degree in Business Management. MBA
    Credit: 90
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 30
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Specific website:
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Tourism Management and Planning
    imatge de la noticiaTourism contributes largely to the GDP and wealth of many countries, it spreads cultural diversity and consumes natural, rural and urban spaces. Therefore, the completion of postgraduate studies is very important for the professionals who will manage the future of the tourism industry. This Master's degree provides the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to establish and develop the policy and strategy for tourism management, training professionals who can hold positions of responsibility in destination management and/or explore in depth the development of a method that elevates tourism to a scientific discipline.
  • Master's Degree in Tourism Management and Planning
    Recommended admission profile

    - Degree related: Holders of the Undergraduate Degree in Tourism (or of the previous official university degrees in the field of Tourism which have been replaced by the new Undergraduate Degrees) will have preferential access to the Master’s Degree in Tourism Management and Planning of the UVEG. Given the heterogeneity of the disciplines involved in tourism studies, in second order of preference the graduates of the branch of Social and Legal Sciences (Business Management and Administration, Economics, Law, etc.) and of the branch of Arts and Humanities (Geography, Languages Studies, etc.).
    - B2 Certification of Spanish language for non-Spanish speakers. Through a B2 Spanish Certification As a Foreign Language, where appropriate (DELE), oral and a written test.

  • Master's Degree in Tourism Management and Planning
    Admission criteria

    Applications are considered individually, taking into account the curriculum and the academic record of the applicant and in accordance with the global parameters laid out by the existing regulations.

    With regard to the specific criteria, as an example we can cite:

    • Affinity of the studies completed with the Master's degree (40%).
    • Average mark of the academic record (40%).
    • Reasons for taking the Master's degree (10%).
    • Other: Language skills, previous work experience, additional training and education in the area of study of the Master's degree, (10%) etc.

  • Master's Degree in Tourism Management and Planning
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 40
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Specific website:
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Economics
    imatge de la noticiaThis Master’s Degree offers high quality training, combining advanced academicoriented economics teaching with a more specific focus on knowledge about markets organization, decision making of economic agents, and the international economy. The Master aims to provide students both with a broad and rigorous view of the discipline, and the analytical tools needed to carry out sound economic analysis. Successful course completion ensures students the endowment of the analytical and technical skills required for highly demanding jobs in international organizations (OECD, IMF, ILO, etc.), public policy institutions (Ministries, Central Banks, European Commission, etc.), private companies (including financial and consulting companies), research departments and universities. Students will also be equipped with skills in the use of relevant software programs such as MATLAB, STATA and R, among others. This Master is also highly recommended for candidates pursuing postgraduate education in our Ph.D. Programme in Industrial Economics or other prestigious doctoral programs in Spain and abroad. Master’s students will interact with teaching staff with an excellent reputation and with wide‐ranging research and teaching experience. Most teaching staff hold postgraduate degrees from universities of international prestige (London School of Economics, University of Warwick, University College London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, College of Europe, Université Catholique de Louvain, and University of Dijon, among others).
  • Master's Degree in Economics
    Recommended admission profile
    • Graduates in Economics, Business Administration, International Business or similar degrees.
    • Graduates in other degrees who have completed relevant studies related to the field of Economics and Business, preferably with an international profile.
    • Graduates in other degrees who have a significant professional experience in the field of Economics and Business, preferably with an international profile.
    • Graduates in other technical or quantitative degrees such as Engineering, Mathematical Sciences, Physics...


  • Master's Degree in Economics
    Admission criteria

    Specific admission criteria. Holders of a licenciatura or an undergraduate degree need to submit two letters of introduction signed by lecturers from their previous degrees, or from any other academic programme. Holders of a diplomatura must complete 30 background credits. The Academic Coordination Committee will decide the subjects from the undergraduate degree in Economics to be taken, among the subjects of the specialty in Business and Economics.

    English language entrance requirements.
    The student shall certify, at least, one of the following options:
    ꞏ Level B2 First, or equivalent.
    ꞏ Certification of previous regulated studies (Spanish Upper Secondary School Education, Degree or Postgraduate Education) in English.
    ꞏ The Master’s Degree Academic Committee may consider the possibility of holding an interview with the student to evaluate whether or not his or her English knowledge is suitable for the requirements of the Master’s Degree.
    Admission criteria and weighting
    The following admission criteria is considered, with the total weight
    of the scale specified in parentheses:
    ꞏ Average mark on the academic record: 80%
    ꞏ Curricular affinity (have previously studied subjects related to the Master’s Degree, including Analytical Mathematics and Statistics): 20%




  • Master's Degree in Economics
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 15
    Language: English
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia, University of Jaume I de Castellón
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Social Economics (Cooperatives and Non-Profit Organisations)
    imatge de la noticiaThis programme offers advanced education on the Social Economy sector with a view to training top-level specialists in the area of cooperatives, non-profit organisations, social and labour companies, etc. including all their different levels: economic, legal, fiscal, accounting, labour and human resource-related, strategic, commercial, financial… As a Master's with a professional focus, the programme is addressed to employees working in this area and to graduates willing to work in it, given the current market need to be up-to-date. As far as its research orientation is concerned, the programme provides the knowledge and tools needed to undertake the subsequent Social Economy doctorate studies and to prepare the PhD dissertation successfully.
  • Master's Degree in Social Economics (Cooperatives and Non-Profit Organisations)
    Recommended admission profile

    The Master’s Course is targeted at university graduates. The most adequate degrees to complete the programme are those directly connected to entrepreneurial study: mainly Business Administration, Economics, Law and Psychology. Likewise, it is recommendable to have some experience and knowledge about the operation of non-profit organisations (associations, foundations and organisations for social and labour inclusion).

  • Master's Degree in Social Economics (Cooperatives and Non-Profit Organisations)
    Training complements

    The subject "Financial Accounting" worth 6 credits of the Degree in Business Management is established as a complementary training course for those students not coming from the degrees of Economy or Business Management. Those students who, not coming from said degrees (ADE or Economy) will be exempt of having to take this complementary training course of they prove sufficient knowledge in a minimum of 6 credits in Foundamentals of Accounting or Financial Accounting.

  • Master's Degree in Social Economics (Cooperatives and Non-Profit Organisations)
    Admission criteria

    As the department responsible for student admission, the Academic Coordination Commission (ACC) will consider the following specific criteria:
    - Adequacy of candidate’s profile, evaluated through:
    1) Previous degrees and their affinity with the Master’s programme.
    2) Curriculum Vitae.
    3) Applicant’s interests and profile: motivation letter, letters of recommendation.
    4) Academic records: the average mark of the degree used for applying to the Master's will be considered, together with the average mark in the Master's-related modules.
    5) Professional experience, particularly in companies and organisations from the Social Economy sector.

    - Command of the languages of the programme: Spanish certificate (for candidates other than Spanish-speaking):
    1) Intermediate or advanced level in Spanish (DELE - Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera)
    2) If a certificate is not produced, the Commission may give the candidate a language test.

    - Personal interview with the candidate. The Commission is entitled to interview applicants with a view to ascertaining their position in the admission list. Questions will be asked about their professional plans in the Social Economy area. Should the demand surpass the supply of places, the Academic Commission will do the selection by considering the following criteria:
    1. Experience in and/or links with Social Economy organisations or with public and private institutions related with the Social Economy sector (Public Administrations, Training Centres, etc.).
    2. Having a professional plan/project in this area.

  • Master's Degree in Social Economics (Cooperatives and Non-Profit Organisations)
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 40
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Business Strategy
    imatge de la noticiaThe programme stems from experience in a Doctorate with a Quality Certification organised by the Ministry of Education (2006-2011) and offers the possibility of academic and research specialization in the area of business strategy typical of leading national and international universities. In addition to the growing development of this area of research in recent years, business administration constitutes a latent demand in our economic and entrepreneurial environment. Business associations, public institutions and prestigious experts have underlined the need to train those holding responsibility positions in terms of tools for diagnosis, design and implementation of business strategies, and to spread, among them, values and attitudes associated to a strategic vision, a focus on the long term, and an international/global concept of business. All such aspects are considered by the masters syllabus.
  • Master's Degree in Business Strategy
    Recommended admission profile

    The recommended entry profile are, in order of suitability, students who have completed undergraduate degree regulated studies in specialisations related to: business management (such as Undergraduate Degree in Business Management and Administration, SME Management, International Business, etc.), fields related to business management and business economics (Undergraduate Degree in Finances and Accounting, Tourism, Labour Relations and Human Resources, etc.) or related to the same (Undergraduate Degree, Industrial Engineering, etc.).
    In general it is recommended that the previous studies of the candidates have provided them basic knowledge on the following subjects: general management and business organisation, management of human resources, marketing, finances, accounting, transactions management, statistics, economy.

    - B2 Certification of Spanish language for non-Spanish speakers. Through a B2 Spanish Certification As a Foreign Language, where appropriate, oral and a written test.
    - English certifications (for non-English speakers): B2 English language level or higher according to the standards of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment). In the case candidates don’t provide certification, the academic committee may do a level test.

  • Master's Degree in Business Strategy
    Admission criteria

    The rating scale carried out by the Academic Committee of the Master’s Degree considers the following criteria:
    .- Similarity of the studies completed with the Master’s Degree (up to 40% of the admission mark).
    2. Average mark of the academic record (up to 40% of the admission mark).
    3. Students’ personal motivation (up to 10% of the admission mark).
    4. - Others: Language skills (English and Spanish), previous professional experience (tasks related to management and business management during periods exceeding three months), complementary training in the area of study of the Master’s Degree, etc. (up to 10% of the admission mark).

  • Master's Degree in Business Strategy
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 25
    Language: Spanish and english
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: Universitat de València
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Corporate Finance
    imatge de la noticiaFinance in general and Business Finance in particular, at academic and scientific level is an issue to address in conferences, journals and academic and professional meetings. In fact, this subject matter is well established as a scientific discipline and it is studied in business schools and universities throughout the world. The academic interest of Finance is best illustrated in the existence of rigorous specialised journals exclusively in this discipline, such as Journal of Corporate Finance, Review of Financial Studies or Journal of Finance, and in how it is treated in prestigious generalist management journals as Journal of Management or Academy of Management Review. Also, frequently it is the subject of study in national and international conferences. The Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance aims that his graduates cover the professional activity and responsibility that the Official Association of Economists of Valencia (COEV) states as the necessary for an expert in Corporate Finance. Regarding to professional activity the expert should be able “to provide financial, economic and strategic financial advice services, specialised for companies, institutions, finance companies, to the private equity, including governments. They must intervene from the conception and structuring of the operations until these ones are closed. These needs cover a wide range of operations: purchase and sales of companies, advising for private equity fund, and financial investors, search of financial partners for industrial companies, advising to the management team in leveraged buyouts (Management Buy-Outs, Management Buy-Ins, Secondary Buy-Outs…), seeking financing, development of business plans and strategic and financial advice, offering in all cases solutions for the future business, advising in all cases in those moments that require a quick decision making”. The main goal of this Master’s is to prepare graduates for professional practices: in activities related to finance, the use of tools and methodologies, and the development and strengthening of skills to carry out effectively and efficiently the decision making in the following areas: a) directive (operational and financial) b) finance c) investment and disinvestment Thus, the graduate may help to prevent results, to improve a better understanding of financial aspects, to motivate the investment-disinvestment decisions and to propose data for the prediction and control of the business.
  • Master's Degree in Corporate Finance
    Recommended admission profile

    The Master’s is addressed to licenciados (Spanish former undergraduate degree) diploma holders, graduates, engineers or Specialists and equivalent degrees. This Master’s is the natural evolution of Graduates in Finance and Accountancy and in Business Management and Administration. Related degrees are considered all those degrees or other qualifications in which the students have took finance subjects.

    In general, these one are the related degrees: the Undergraduate Degree in Finance and Accountancy, Licenciatura or Undergraduate Degree in Business Management and Administration, Diplomatura (Spanish former Undergraduate Degree) in Business Science and the Undergraduate Degree or Licenciatura in Economics.

    However, students from other degrees, belonging to social sciences and engineering also may be interested.

  • Master's Degree in Corporate Finance
    Admission criteria

    In order to access the official Master's Degree courses, it is necessary to hold an official Spanish university degree or another one issued by a higher education institution of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) which entitles the country issuing the degree to access the master's degree courses.

    Likewise, the graduates may also access the education systems outside the European Higher Education Area without the need for the homologation of their degrees, after verification by the University that they have a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they have the right to access postgraduate education in the country issuing the degree. Access in this way does not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than the study of the master's degree.

    The body in charge of admission will be the Academic Coordination Commission (CCA) of the Master's Degree. The specific composition of the course is published on the master's specific website.

    The admission process is made in a personalized way, considering the curriculum and academic record of the applicant and according to the global parameters established by the current regulations. The specific criteria established by the Master’s Academic Coordinating Committee are also considered. These criteria focus on five aspects or basic areas:

    1. The degree with which the student enters to the Master’s.
    2. The academic record of the student.
    3. The training level of the student in any content related to finance.
    4. The language skills of the applicant.
    5. Previous professional experience of the applicant in financial areas of companies or organisations.

    Regarding to the weightings of the basic areas, the evaluations should represent the following percentages: 40%, 30%, 7, 5%, 15%, and 7, 5% respectively. It is worth noting that those persons interested in entering to this Master’s whose mother tongue is not Spanish must proof a level of knowledge of the language that allow them to follow the classes. In this regard, the students who are in this situation are required a Spanish level of B2. Those students, who at the time of enrolment don’t certify this level, must pass a personal interview and present the certification throughout the academic year. 

    Regarding to the affinity of the Master’s Degree with the previous degrees of candidates, are considered related degrees all those undergraduate degrees or any other qualifications in which the students have taken subjects of finance. Generally, the degrees are the following: Undergraduate Degree in Finance and Accountancy, Licenciatura (Spanish former Undergraduate Degree) and/or Undergraduate Degree in Business Management and Administration, Diplomatura (Spanish former Undergraduate Degree) and the Undergraduate Degree and/or Licenciatura in Economics.

  • Master's Degree in Corporate Finance
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 40
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Quality Management
    imatge de la noticiaFrom the perspective of its social and economic impact, the increasing application of quality management by organisations from developed and emerging economies has become one of the drivers of their competitiveness. Moreover, it has spread throughout Europe not only to private businesses but also, in recent years, to sectors traditionally disinclined to introduce management innovations, such as health services, universities and schools, as well as to public administration. This expansion in the scope of the application of quality management gives us a first idea of the power and utility of this form of management and, therefore, of the existence of career opportunities in this field, which is closely related to the existing demand for the postgraduate studies presented here. The implementation of the international standard known as ISO 9001 has facilitated and stimulated the spread of quality management. This model, designed to help forward the implementation of a management system that facilitates continuous improvement and customer satisfaction is becoming a requirement for organisations to participate in developed markets, at both national and international levels, especially when it comes to supplying goods and services to other organisations. On the other hand, it is important to note the dissemination of quality management carried out by the European Foundation for Quality, that through the EFQM Excellence Model has promoted and implemented its advanced approach of total quality management. This approach incorporates a strategic perspective that emphasises the importance of customer satisfaction, leadership, human resources, and the improvement of product processes and design. The benefits resulting from its implementation are improved customer service, greater managerial ability, greater commitment of managers and employees, and greater consideration of the importance of learning, indispensable for continuous improvement.
  • Master's Degree in Quality Management
    Recommended admission profile

    This Master's Degree is aimed at preparing students for professional practice in activities related to quality management, the handling of instruments and methodologies, and the development and strengthening of skills to effectively carry out the functions and tasks of a technician responsible for the quality area of any organisation, whether in the production sector or the service sector.

    Therefore, the Master's Degree is specifically aimed at:

    • Graduates from former Spanish undergraduate degrees, university graduates, senior engineers or technicians, and equivalent qualifications. Priority will be given to students from social sciences, engineering and other sciences such as mathematics, physics, etc.


  • Master's Degree in Quality Management
    Admission criteria

    The criteria focus on four basic aspects or areas, as reflected in the scale table below:
    1. The qualification with which the student is admitted to the Master's Degree.
    2. The student's academic record.
    3. The student's level of training in some content related to quality management.
    4. The level of language proficiency the applicant has.

    The admission process is personalised, taking into account the CV and academic record of the applicant and according to the global parameters established by the current regulation. The specific criteria determined by the Academic Coordination Committee are also taken into account. Regarding the admission criteria, it should be noted that those applicants whose mother tongue is not Spanish must accredit a level of proficiency in the language in order to follow the classes properly. In this sense, we require students in this situation to accredit a C1 level of Spanish.

    As for the criterion of affinity to the Master's Degree taking into account the degree studied, all those degrees or other qualifications in which the applicant has taken quality subjects are considered to be related degrees. In general, these are usually: Degree in Business Administration and Management, Degree in International Business, Degree in Business Intelligence and Analytics, Degree in Economics, Degree in Finance affinity to the Master's Degree taking into account the degree studied, all those degrees or other qualifications in which the applicant has taken quality subjects are considered to be related degrees. In general, these are usually: Degree in Business Administration and Management, Degree in International Business, Degree in Business Intelligence and Analytics, Degree in Economics, Degree in Finance and Accounting, Degree in Tourism, Diploma in Business Studies, Degree in Labour Relations and HR, Higher Engineering Degrees and Degree in Public Administration. 

    In the light of the above and taking into account the different criteria established, the weighting is as follows:

    Initial education and training (entrance qualification and others). Up to 5 points

    Average grade of the academic record in the entrance qualification (1-Pass, 2-Satisfactory, 3-Outstanding and 4-Distinction with Honours). Up to 4 points

    Accredited professional experience in quality management. Up to 0.2 points

    Accredited languages (Valencian, English, French or German). Up to 0.8 points

  • Master's Degree in Quality Management
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 25
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in International Business Management
    imatge de la noticiaIn business world, also in economy in general, issues are addressed at a global level. Globalization can be defined as the integration of countries thanks to the enormous reduction of costs in transportation and communication and the breakdown of barriers on the free movement among borders of goods, services, capital and knowledge and (to a lesser extent) of people. This globalization has caused an evolution in the way of conceiving the practice of business in an increasingly competitive world. What before was called international trade, now is called internationalization of companies, since the relations between economic entities are trying to find long-term agreements rather than rely on competitions at short term. Therefore, in getting involved in the world of business the simultaneous managements in many countries, the events that take place in one of them are also relevant for the functioning of the companies of the others. The Master’s Degree in International Business Management wants to give to his/her graduates an education in which global aspects will be considered when they take business decisions. The understanding of economic and cultural diversity becomes in this Master’s something as important as professional skills or management. The graduates in the Master’s Degree in International Business Management will end up taking jobs in which is essential mobility and adaptability to rapid changes in the environment, and they have to be trained for this. The Master’s offers this experience providing exchanges between the different universities and allowing to students to discover the way of being and the way of working of students from other races and cultures.
  • Master's Degree in International Business Management
    Recommended admission profile

    Students are recommended to have a basis of university studies in the areas of economics and business. On the assumption that the degree with which the student wants to access to the Master’s it is not considered compatible, the interested person must demonstrate basic knowledge in business management, marketing and finances.

  • Master's Degree in International Business Management
    Admission criteria

    The admission is personalized, considering the curriculum and the academic record of the applicant person and according to the global parameters which are established by the current rules.

    1.Students should have completed university studies of licenciatura, diplomatura (Former Spanish undergraduate degrees) in the fields of economy and business. In the case that the qualification in which the student wants to access to the Master’s is not compatible with this one, the interested person should certificate basic knowledge in business management, marketing and finances. This knowledge could be certificate as follows:
    a)Marks certificate of their university of origin and a certificate that prove that they have taken and passed the indicated subject areas.
    b)Seminars, courses or other master degrees.

    2.Students will be required a high level of English. This will be confirmed by checking that applicants, whose mother tongue is not English, are able to justify at least 6.5 points in IELTS or 550 in TOEFL (213 in TOEFL by computer; 79 in TOEFL by Internet). The student doesn’t t need this accreditation if he/she proves to have completed a significant part of his/her studies in English.

    3.Students are recommended to include a cover letter, where they can express their interest for the Master’s.

    Grading system
    Compatibility of the studies completed with the Master’s (25%)
    Average mark of the academic record (35%)
    Language skills (20%)
    Previous work experience (10%)
    Additional education in the study area of the Master’s (5%)
    Explanatory statement or personal interview (5%)


  • Master's Degree in International Business Management
    Credit: 90
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 40
    Language: English
    Prize: 65,25 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Specific website:
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Economic Globalisation: International Trade Management
    imatge de la noticiaThe Master's Degree in Economic Globalisation: International Trade Management offers the knowledge, skills and tools needed for establishing and developing the lines of policies and international commercial strategy that most adapted to the needs of a business with vocation to elaborate or improve a solid process of internationalisation. All this, reinforced by the presence of a significant part that involves the globalisation process of the enterprises, giving also answer to the needs of national and international institutions, of promotion, regulation and international business analysis. The current economic situation involves a challenge of exceptional magnitude for the public institutions, the financial entities and the non-financial enterprises and therefore, for all the professionals who assume responsibilities of these requests. These professionals are forced to respond efficiently to factors such as: the need to amend the strategies of internationalisation; the constant pressure of an increased international competition (but also of greater opportunities in new markets); the responsibility to discriminate among a multiplicity of investment options – real and financial -, in many occasions of high valuation difficulty; the obligation to study the weaknesses, modify and adapt in accounting, auditing and regulatory matters; the convenience of coordination of micro and macroeconomic policies. Hence, the new generations who wish to incorporate to that international labour market, global in its working, in its responsibilities and its objectives, must be prepared for the endless list of challenges – on the same level as the opportunities that they face. For this, they are given a specific training with an explicitly international orientation that deepen their previous knowledge and are trained to immerse themselves in that new economic world.
  • Master's Degree in Economic Globalisation: International Trade Management
    Recommended admission profile

    In order to be admitted to this Master’s, apart from being in possession of a university degree allowing access to it, students will have to prove their Spanish and English level as follows:

    • English level: a required minimum of B2 (based on what’s established by the Common European Framework of Reference) from students whose nationality doesn’t correspond to an English-speaking country and come from an education system of a country whose main language isn’t English.
    • Spanish level: a required minimum of C1 (based on what’s established by the Common European Framework of Reference) from students whose nationality doesn’t correspond to a Spanish-speaking country and come from an education system of a country whose language isn’t Spanish.

    The admission process is subject to the following criteria:

    1. University Degree

    • Diploma holders / graduates in Economics, Business administration or similar degrees.
    • Diploma holders / graduates in other degrees who completed significant studies linked to the Economics and Business field, preferably with an international profile. Those other degrees only include specialised and postgraduate studies completed in the fields of Economics and Business.
    • Diploma holders / graduates in other degrees with a significant professional experience in the fields of Economics and Business, preferably with an international profile. Professional experience is considered such only if gathered during at least three years in the fields of Economics and Business and carried out through functions highlighting the realisation of non-administrative tasks specific to those areas. It has to be noted that experience of that kind, even if not gathered during three full years, will be taken into account for all applicants, although it’s a circumstance preventing the applicant’s profile from being recommended. The three years are established by internalising the professional experience to the minimum duration of the type of studies (Diploma holders or three-year Graduates) granting the condition of entry profile.

    2. Suitability criteria: to determine if there are reasons for the applicant and its request to be considered unsuitable for the Master’s.

    • Cover letter and applicant’s motivations
    • Two letters of reference / recommendation. These letters can be written by professors or tutors familiarised with the applicant and its academic performance and / or by professionals who know the applicant for its work in companies or institutions.
  • Master's Degree in Economic Globalisation: International Trade Management
    Admission criteria

    Request evaluation criteria: applicable exclusively to applicants who verified the Access and Suitability Requirements (see the “recommended entry profile” section).

    • Academic record of the licenciatura / diplomatura (former Spanish undergraduate degrees) / degree. Considering the average grade of the academic record in the 1-10 range and dividing by 2. An additional point will be added to records surpassing 8/10 (for example a student with a record of 8.4 would have a final average of 5.2 = 8.4/2 + 1).
    • How related the licenciatura / diplomatura / degree is to the fields of Economics and Business. 1.4 points for a related licenciatura. 1.1 for a related Degree; 0.8 for a related diplomatura.
    • Previous job experience in the Master’s area of expertise. Up to 1.25 points, to be determined by the ACC based on importance and duration of that work experience.
    • Previous supplementary training in the Master’s area of expertise. Up to 1.25 points, to be determined by the ACC based on importance and duration of that supplementary training.
    • Other languages (Spanish and English excluded). Up to 1.5 points, to be attributed based on proved fluency and importance of the language in international economic activities.
    • Expressed interest in the Master’s based on preference order. 1 point to students who selected the Master’s Degree in Economic Globalisation as their first or only option in the request process of the Universitat de València.
  • Master's Degree in Economic Globalisation: International Trade Management
    Credit: 90
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 30
    Language: Spanish and English
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Specific website:
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Marketing and Market Research
    imatge de la noticiaThis programme offers advanced education in academic and research terms in the area of marketing. It is intended to respond to the growing demand for marketing professionals and to the need to train them by means of specialised and up-to-date studies for professional practice. The masters course offers a programme focused on market research and techniques in relation with advertising, consultancy, business distribution, sales in private and public organisations, etc. in different business sectors and regardless of their geographic location. It is targeted at future managers of sales, image and marketing campaigns or at those responsible for analyses in this area.
  • Master's Degree in Marketing and Market Research
    Recommended admission profile

    The recommended profile applies to whoever meets the established entrance requirements and shows interest in Marketing, although preference will be given to holders of a degree related to the proposed master’s, that is, Bachelor’s Degrees in Business Management and Administration, Investigation and Market techniques, Advertising and Public Relations, a Business Diploma and all the new or other degrees in which the candidate has taken marketing subjects which cover at least 10% of the degree’s total credits.

  • Master's Degree in Marketing and Market Research
    Training complements

    Those students whose degree of origin is not considered related or who fail to prove -through the above means- the knowledge that they believe to be essential to make the most of the Master's, will have to sign up for the course “Educational complements for the Master’s degree in Marketing and Market Research”

  • Master's Degree in Marketing and Market Research
    Admission criteria

    Admission is done on an individual basis, taking into account the applicant’s CV and academic records but observing the general rules in force. The specific criteria set by the Inter-university Coordination Commission are also taken into consideration.

    The criteria are duly publicized.

    Those applicants for whom Spanish is not their first language must prove their command of the language so as to be able to make the most of the classes. They must either submit a certificate or contact the directors in order to establish an alternative procedure.

    With regard to the criterion based on how related the previous degree is to the master’s. The degrees related to the proposed master’s are the following: Bachelor’s Degrees in Business Management and Administration, Investigation and Market techniques, Advertising and Public Relations, a Business Diploma and all the new or other degrees in which the candidate has taken marketing subjects which at least cover 10% of the degree’s total credits.

    The degrees that aren’t mentioned are invalid. In this case, students looking to access from a non-related degree will have to accredit their knowledge in the following subjects:
    - Marketing fundamentals. Basic knowledge of the marketing function in the company and the four tools of operational marketing: product, price, distribution and communication.
    - Market research. Basic elements for the design and development of market research.
    - Statistics. Descriptive and applied statistics.

    Such knowledge will be accredited by any of the following means:
    a) Transcript issued by the university of origin, proving to have done and passed the above courses.
    b) Proven professional experience in marketing and/or market research, to be evaluated by the commission.
    c) Seminars, courses or other masters.

    Students who can’t accredit their knowledge in said subjects will be able to carry out a pre-enrolment process provided that, in case of admission, they pass the course containing said basic knowledge, offered by both universities to meet that end before the beginning of the master’s.

    Considering the previously exposed information and the established criteria, the following is the grading scale applied to each received request and used by each university’s Academic Coordinating Committee.


    Grading scale

    Background training (access degree and others): up to 5 points
    The average grade of the access degree’s academic record: up to 4 points (1- pass 2-B 3-A 4-distinction)
    Accredited professional experience in marketing: up to 3 points.
    Accredited research: up to 4 points
    Accredited languages: up to 0,5
    Cover letter / interview: up to 2 points


    Admission procedure

    The student will have to add to the request:

     ·A photocopy of the degree

     ·The degree’s academic record, specifying the average grade.

     ·Should a degree have been obtained in a non-European country, it will be necessary to add the corresponding approvals.

     · A short resume containing information related to the degree’s content.

     ·A cover letter in which the candidate expresses his motivations and aspirations.

  • Master's Degree in Marketing and Market Research
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 80
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia and Jaume I University
    Specific website:
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Business Process Planning and Management
    imatge de la noticiaThe main objective of the Master's Degree in Business Process Planning and Management is to prepare professionals capable of designing, planning, optimising and controlling the production and service systems of companies, based on analytical methods and computer tools, as well as on the principles of Economics and Business Administration. It aims to train managers with a strong foundation in quantitative methods and with an integrated perspective of how to operate in a changing, globalised and highly competitive business environment, fully inscribed in the Information Society. The aim is to train professionals with multidisciplinary training, capable of analysing problems and proposing solutions in the various fields of business activity, such as production planning, demand forecasting and inventory management, quality control, distribution and logistics, project management, financial management and internationalisation processes. The multidisciplinary training is complemented by seminars and activities that allow students to acquire transversal competences such as social, analytical, communication, emotional, organisational and innovation skills.
  • Master's Degree in Business Process Planning and Management
    Recommended admission profile

    It is aimed primarily at graduates, senior engineers and working professionals in the area of Basic (Mathematics, Physics...) and Technical (Industrial Engineering, Chemistry, Telematics, Computer Science…) Sciences, as well as in the area of Social Sciences (Business Administration, Economics, Finance and Accounting, International Business, TADE...).

    Graduates in other areas who have professional experience in the management and direction of different business areas will also have a suitable profile.


  • Master's Degree in Business Process Planning and Management
    Admission criteria

    The admission is made in a personalised way, taking into account the curriculum and the academic record of the applicant.

    It will be taken into account:

    • Modification of the title of origin to the Master’s profile.
    • Academic record
    • Professional experience
    • Other merits: courses, practices, languages, modification letter…

    Within the admission criteria it should be noted that those persons interested in accede to this Master’s, whose mother tongue is not Spanish, must justify a knowledge level of the language that enables them the optimal monitoring of the classes. Either through a certifying document or getting in touch with the directors with the purpose of establishing an alternative procedure.

    In relation to the criterion of affinity of the degree to the Master’s degree of origin, the following degrees are considered as related: licenciatura in the area of Basic and Technic Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Electronic, Industrial Organisation,…) and the licenciaturas in the area of Economics (Economics, Business Administration, Business,…) and all those degrees that are developed in these three areas.

    In accordance with the exposed and dealing with the different established criteria the scale will be the following:

    Starting training (degree with which is joined and others): up to 5 points
    Average mark of the academic record of the access degree: up to 4 points (1-pased, 2- B grade, 3- A and 4- A distinction)
    Professional experience in the areas of the Master’s: up to 5 points
    Other merits: up to 2 points

  • Master's Degree in Business Process Planning and Management
    Credit: 90
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 35
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Economic Policy and Public Economics
    imatge de la noticiaEconomic policy studies the relevance of state intervention in the economy. Currently, there are no pure market economies; on the contrary, contemporary societies have mixed economies that we can’t understand without taking into account the presence of the state in economy. In short, economic activities take place in an institutional framework shaped by state regulation and intervention. Economic policy is not only the study of a part of the economy, it reflects a perspective of the operation of all economic systems as a whole, since all economic activities are developed in an institutional framework defined and regulated by state intervention. This Master’s degree is research-oriented. First, its academic relevance is reflected on its current potential demand. It is intended for students who want to deepen their knowledge in Economic Policy and Public Economics and who have completed degrees in the field of Economics, Business Management and Administration, Tourism, Marketing, International Business and Finance and Accounting, but also for graduates in Social Sciences such as Law, Sociology, Political Science, Labour Relations, Journalism, etc. Second, this Master’s degree offers the opportunity to develop research skills and qualifies students to write a doctoral thesis in the framework of doctoral studies. It is therefore of interest to students who wish to pursue a professional research or academic career. The Master’s Degree in Economic Policy and Public Economics is also relevant for the professional field. On the one hand, it allows students to develop research skills that qualifies them to write a doctoral thesis and, therefore, opens the way to an academic career. On the other hand, it is a training platform to develop a professional research career outside the University, in research centres, consulting firms, companies and organisations in the social, business and public sector (such as the Regional Ministry for Finance and Employment, Valencian Institute of Finance, Feria de Muestras de Valencia, Chamber of Commerce, Institute for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Centre for the Study of Social and Cooperative Economy, trade unions, NGOs, etc.). Moreover, given its specialisation in public economy, it is also relevant to students who want to prepare for competitive examinations for access to public servant positions.
  • Master's Degree in Economic Policy and Public Economics
    Recommended admission profile

    This Master’s Degree is aimed at graduates in Economics and other degrees such as Business Management and Administration, Tourism, Marketing, International Business and Finance and Accounting. Moreover, the Master’s is also intended for graduates in Social and Legal Sciences such as Law, Sociology, Political Science, Labour Relations, Journalism, etc. Students must have an academic background corresponding to an undergraduate degree, a licenciatura or a diplomatura in the areas listed before. In any case, it is necessary for students to have a basic knowledge of economy and quantitative methods.

  • Master's Degree in Economic Policy and Public Economics
    Admission criteria

    The admission process is personalised and takes into account the applicant’s resume and academic record, according to the global parameters established by the current regulation and specific criteria determined by the Master’s Academic Coordinating Committee (CCA). Said criteria will determine the preference order in the enrolment process and the minimum access grade, additionally focusing on the following aspects or basic areas which are assessed based on the concordance between the resume and the Master’s content:

    1. Concordance between the Degree of Access and the Master’s (40%).
    2. Average grade of the academic record (30%)
    3. Professional activity in areas related to economic policy and public economy (a specification for professional category and duration of both contract and work day is required) (15%)
    4. Training level in content related to the master’s (the training duration is required to be specified).
    5. Level of foreign languages proved by official certificates (5%)

    Applicants whose mother language isn’t Spanish must submit an official certificate, issued by a public entity and justifying a level equal or superior to B2. Alternative procedures can be established to solve exceptional cases by contacting the Master’s management.

    It’s necessary to submit a short cover letter explaining the reasons behind the desire to attend the Master’s and the relation between its content and the academic / job profile.

    It’s also suggested to submit up to two letters of recommendation by professors or academic tutors from the degree of access (or from university master’s degrees) to attend this Master’s.

    The Master’s CCA reserves the realisation of a personal interview or the requirement of information complementary to the data initially submitted in the request.

  • Master's Degree in Economic Policy and Public Economics
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 30
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Specific website:
    Faculty of Economics
    Tarongers CampusAvda. dels Tarongers, s/n46022 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 828 549Geolocation