Universitat de ValènciaCSICInstitute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2sysbio) Logo del portal

We are seeking enthusiastic and talented Ph.D.'s to apply for a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship

  • June 22nd, 2023


At the Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I²SysBio, CSIC-UV) at Valencia (Spain). The I²SysBio started on 2018 and aims at becoming an international reference center in the field of Systems Biology. Further information can be found here.

The I²SysBio is located in Valencia (third largest Spanish city). Further info about about Valencia can be found here.

Projects and research topics:

  • Biomechanics of tissues and cells (in a broad sense) from a theoretical and computational viewpoint. Topics of interest in the lab include 3D curvature effects, mechanochemical feedbacks, multiphysics computational approaches, development of software tools, bacteria as active matter, tissue remodeling...

Profile and required skills:

  • PhD in physics, computer science, engineering, mathematics, or biology with a strong quantitative and computational background
  • Programming skills (C++, Python,...whatever)
  • Social skills (we want a friendly and healthy environment in the lab!)

How to Apply:

Check the eligibility criteria here!

The official application deadline is 13 September 2023 but a successful application requires time. If you satisfy the eligibility criteria a) send a CV  b) send cover letter (1 page tops) explaining WHY us and WHY you, and c) provide the name and contact information of up to three references to jbuceta@gmail.com using "MSCA OPENING" as the email subject (IMPORTANT: the emails are being processed by a "smart" mailbox. If the subject is wrong, your email will more likely end in the waste bin).