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The General Foundation of the Universitat de València approves its first Equality Plan

  • UV General Foundation
  • June 18th, 2018
Personal de Recursos Humans de la Fundació General de la Universitat de València entrevista una candidata.
Personal de Recursos Humans de la Fundació General de la Universitat de València entrevista una candidata.

The General Foundation of the Universitat de València has approved its first Equality Plan. It counts with 105 activities aiming to guarantee real and effective equality and opportunities between men and women within the institution that must be developed in the 2018-2021 period. The plan has been created with the support of the Committee of Equality formed specifically under the principle of parity. It is made up by four representatives of the workers and the company.

The principle of equality is part of the values of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València, whose purpose is to remove gender inequalities from the institution. They will fight against discrimination and will promote real equality between men and women.

Thus, the Equality Plan of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València is conceived to guarantee the equality principle so that direct or indirect gender discrimination won’t be tolerated. It follows the article 3 of the Organic Law 3/2007. In this sense, it will ameliorate the work environment, the relationships among workmates, the personal satisfaction of the personnel, its quality of life and its health at work.

The plan will be valid for three years (March 2018 - March 2021) and considers the possibility to carry out modifications and to expand the measures if it is considered appropriate during this period. Once it expires, a deep analysis will be conducted to assess its impact and determine new actions.

The Equality Plan is the result of a previous analysis that was able to reveal the existence of unjustified inequalities between women and men. Although it concluded that the institution applies the principle of equality, some proposals for improvement were made.

These measures are specified in 105 activities that will be developed in 8 different fields:

  • Access to employment and personnel selection, so that equality between women and men can be guaranteed when they access to a workplace in the Foundation. 
  • Personnel promotion, in order to secure equality and remove discrimination in internal job promotions.  
  • A classification of the personnel that guarantees a system of gender equality.  
  • An equitable remuneration. A training programme that removes genre differences when they access education and that improves the awareness in terms of equality.
  • Labour, family and personal conciliation.
  • Labour health that guarantees an adequate work environment without abuse or intimidation.
  • Communication and non-sexist language to guarantee access to the Equality Plan of the Foundation, as well as the use of an inclusive language in all written and oral announcements coming from the organization.

Thanks to the Equality Plan, the General Foundation of the Universitat de València keeps its commitment with the establishment and development of policies that integrate equality and opportunities between men and women, and promote measures to reach real equality in the institution.
