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Uvocupació brings together the public service and the students in a conference on occupancy in the Public Administration

  • UVjob
  • March 5th, 2019
Students in class

In order to foment the occupancy of the students and their occupational integration, the Universitat de València, through its occupancy service Uvocupació and the General Direction of the Public Foundation, will organise a conference on the ‘Opportunities of the Public Administration’ on the 11th of March of 2019.

Under the title ‘Opportunities of the Public Administration’, the Room Villarroya of the Faculty of Law will host some speeches of graduated students and degree students who recently have passed a public selection process, so that they would share their experiences and their knowledge on how the administration and the State work regarding the university community.

The main goal of this meeting is to get to know the recently graduated people the future possibilities which are offered by the Public Administration.

The conferences, which will also be celebrated in some other parts of the country such as Madrid or Granada, will show to the university students the testimony and the experience of young public officers. Moreover, this will be helpful to attract talented people to the General Administration of the State. It is an opportunity to closely know how the work in the administration is as well as to have a realistic, varied and appealing view of public workers.

Pedro Gutiérrez Crespo, a member of the High Body of Public Administration of the State; Ana San Andrés Serrano, a member of the High Body of Communication Technologies of the General Administration of the State; and Mª Vicenta Boquer Granell, a member of the High Body of Public Administrators of the State, will give their speeches at these conferences.  The dean of the faculty of Law, Javier Palao, will also participate in the conference.

Given the complexity and the extent of the public officers’ body of the General Administration of the State, the speakers will give details about how the selective processes work (number of stages, modalities, etc.), about the main bodies and about the possibilities in the following convocation. Once they have finished with their personal experiences, the question time will be open and a colloquium with the speakers will start.  

People interested in attending the conferences have to make their registration in the following link: