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35 job offers in the first Employment and Entrepreneurship Online Forum of the Universitat de València

  • UV General Foundation
  • November 3rd, 2020
Presentación de la conferencia inaugural, a cargo de ADM, empresa del Parc Científic de la UV.
Presentación de la conferencia inaugural, a cargo de ADM, empresa del Parc Científic de la UV.

More than twenty participating enterprises, institutions and entities, 400 connected followers and 35 job offers, 20 of which are related to the degrees offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Universitat de València, is the bottom line of the first online forum organised by the employment service (UV) last Monday, November 2.

The first Employment and Entrepreneurship Virtual Forum has been set into motion through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Programmes, with the support of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València. The forum has been an institutional movement to carry on with the promotion of the employability of future professionals trained at the UV.

The first online forum has addressed the student body of the Faculty of Pharmacy and included the involvement of entities related to the field of pharmaceutical industry, development cooperation, medicine and hospital care, or science and research, for example.

The opening ceremony counted on the speeches of the Principal of the Universitat de València, Mavi Mestre; the Vice-Principal of Employment and Training Programmes, Adela Valero; and the Faculty of Pharmacy’s Dean, Juan Carlos Moltó.

To quote the Principal: “The terrible pandemic which we suffer is producing changes in some areas that at some point might appear to be opportunities. One of these is the online forum, that in spite of the lack of personal contact, enables a new in-face method that breaks down barriers and that has provoked the first online edition to be attended by the largest number of companies in recent times. A new in-face method that approaches us and opens the windows for innovation and entrepreneurship, and becomes the spark for the development of ideas”.

For the development of the new forum method, UVjob has implemented an online platform that will be maintained throughout the planned forums for this year in the faculties of Social Sciences, Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Law, Geography and History and Philology, Translation and Communication; in the School of Engineering (ETSE-UV); and bringing together the degrees of Sciences and Health Sciences.

The digital forum
The new Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum of the Universitat de València is organised into three sections or areas. An enterprises exhibition area that works as a showcase for the participating entities where the information provided by these can be consulted, such as a corporate video, relevant documents or access to computer files to register in the job search within the company.

The second area are the Business Rooms or videoconferences where the registration instructions, the obtaining of the certificate of participation in the forums, as well as the activity scheduling, can be consulted.

The third section is the interactive area or chat designed with the purpose that, through different rooms, the students can make contact with the participating entities in the forum in real time. Thus, they can consult directly with them any questions or doubts about the job profiles, the entrepreneurial activity, etc.

In this sense, the Vice-Principal of Employment and Training Programmes, Adela Valero, highlighted the “exponential” acceleration of the digitalisation processes that the health crisis provoked over the last months and to which the employment forums schedule of the Universitat has been adaptaded, being these meetings “one of the most far-reaching ways for students to improve their employability“.

For his part, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Juan Carlos Moltó, pointed out the need to hold this forum in order to “bring the professional world closer to professors of all the centre’s degrees as a reflection of the convergence between the different fields of work”, and highlighted the list of participating speakers who, “due to their career, have been close to the students, as several of them have been trained at the UV”.

Those who were not able to follow the forum live, can retrieve the programme of conferences and debates through this link and enjoy the first part of the meeting in a pre-recorded and streaming way.


ADEIT- University - Business Foundation of the Universitat de València
 Chair for Business Culture of the Universitat de València
Europe Direct Comunitat Valenciana
Fisabio Foundation-Generalitat Valenciana
IATA- Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology
INCLIVA-Institute of Health Research of València
Inserta Program-Fundación ONCE
MICOF-Muy Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de València
NUTT Nutritional Advice
Ortoval medical and pharmaceutical supplies
Parc Científic of the Universitat de València
Hospital Quirón Salud Valencia
SEFAC-Spanish Society of Family and Community Pharmacy

València Activa - Employment Pact Foundation of Valencia
