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Challenges of artificial intelligence in the Law

Course encompassed in the 36th Summer University of Gandia

This 10-hour course is organise in 4 panels of discussion that will address from a multidisciplinary point of view the influence of artificial intelligence in the main areas of Law: work contracts , tax system , civil responsibility and intellectual property, fundamental rights and philosophy, public administration and justice administration. Coordinator: José Bonet Navarro, professor of Procedural Law of the Universitat de València.


Monday 15th July


9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Panel of discussion of “Artificial Intelligence in Labour and Tax Law”

Patricia Llopis Nadal. Assistant teacher of Procedural Law, Universitat de València

“AI and labour contract”

Adrián Todolí Signes. Assistant professor of Labour Law of the Universitat de València

“Tax aspects of IA”

Salvador Montesino Oltra. Tenured professor of Financing Law of the Universitat de València

12 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Panel of discussion on “Civil responsibility and intellectual property”

María José Mascarell Navarro, tenured professor of Procedural Law of the Universitat de València

Intellectual property in AI and Big Data

Javier Plaza Penadés, professor of Civil Law of the Universitat de València

Tuesday 16th July


9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

“Moral and constitutional aspects of AI”

José Bonet Navarro. Professor of Procedural Law of the Universitat de València

“Constitutional Law and fundamental rights facing the challenges of AI. Old and new rights for artificial intelligence and robotics”

Lorenzo Cotino Hueso. Professor of Constitional Law of the Universitat de València

"Against the false utopia of technology: algorithms do not make justice"

Pedro Agustín Talavera Fernández, tenured professor of Philosophy of Law at the Universitat de València

De 12.00 a 14.30 horas

“Ai in public administration and the administration of justice”

Ricardo Juan Sánchez, professor of procedural law of the Universitat de València

“AI in Public Administration”

Reyes Marzal Raga, tenured professor of Administrative Law of the Department of Administrative and Procedural Law of the Universitat de València.

“AI: configure the process”

José Bonet Navarro, professor of Procedural Law of the Unviersitat de València


ScheduleFrom 15 july 2019 to 16 july 2019. Monday and tuesday at 09:30 to 14:30.


Centre Internacional de Gandia de la UV

Organized by

Centre de Gandia. Universitat de València.



Contact goncisi@fundacions.uv.es

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