Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Chemistry Logo del portal

Faculty History

The Faculty of Chemistry of the UV was established on September 19, 1977 by Ministerial order, which decides to divide the Faculty of Sciences in four Faculties:

  • Faculty of Chemical Sciences
  • Faculty of Physical Sciences
  • Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
  • Faculty of Biological Sciences

Its origins date back to 1895 in which, by Royal Decree of 2 of August, the Faculty of Sciences of Valencia is created, with the degree of Physicochemical Sciences.

The later creation of the sections of Physical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Biological Sciences, with the progressive increase of students and the moving to the current Campus of Burjassot, gave way to the division on the four Faculties.

Coinciding with the implantation of new degrees in the UV during the 1993-1994 Course, the degrees of Licenciatura in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering were created, due to the transformation of some of the specializations offered.

Studies offer

Coinciding with the creation of the School of Engineering in 2003, the degree of Chemical Engineering became subjected to that Faculty, therefore, the Faculty of Chemistry only offers the Licenciatura in Chemistry since 2004-2005 until its progressive extinction wit the introduction of the Degree in Chemistry from the academic year 2010-2011