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Cycle of seminars/conferences: The Borders in Chemistry

  • December 12nd, 2016
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The Territorial Office of Valencia from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and the Faculty of Chemistry of the UV organise a cycle of four regulated seminars, on Thursdays from 6 October 2016 to 2 March 2017, with the objective of showing different aspects of the current situation of the research in chemistry and its repercussion in society.




The Territorial Office of Valencia from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and the Faculty of Chemistry of the UV organise a cycle of four regulated conferences, on Thursdays from 6 October 2016 to 2 March 2016, with the objective of showing different aspects of the current situation of the research in chemistry and its repercussion in society.


This activity, addressed to third year students in the Degree in Chemistry and denominated “The Borders in Chemistry”, is part of the official programme of the faculty.


The conferences will take place in the assembly hall Darwin in the Burjassot Campus, from 12:15h. with the following programme:


Thursday, 6 October at 12:15h.
Title: Nuevas estrategias para el diseño de fármacos basadas en reacciones orgánicas clásicas (POSTER)
Lecturer: Prof. Francisco Corzana López
Department of Organic Chemistry, University of La Rioja


Thursday, 27 October at 12:15h.
Title: La resposabilidad social de la química analítica (POSTER)
Lecturer: Prof. Miguel Valcárcel Cases
Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Córdoba


Thursday, 24 November at 12:15h.
Title: Processos ultra ràpids en química. Femtoquímica
Lecturer: Prof. Francisco Tomás Vert
Chief of the Department of Physical Chemistry. Universitat de València.


Thursday,   15 December 12:15h.
Title: Peptide Analogs From Scorpion Venom: Antimicrobial Activity And Toxicity​ (POSTER)
Lecturer: Prof. Roberto de la Salud Bea​
Professor of the Rhodes College en Menphis-USA