• detall d'auditori

The Governing Council is the collegiate government body of the University of Valencia, and as such it develops the university policy outlines approved by the Senate, exercises the regulatory powers not reserved to other university bodies, as well as the proposal, report and resolution powers, which are assigned by these Statutes and other applicable provisions, and assisted by the Principal in all the issues of his/her responsibility.

The Governing Council is responsible for:

  1. Calling for the elections of the Principle, except for when the responsiblity belongs to the Senate.
  2. Calling for the total re-election of the Senate.
  3. Approving and modifying the framework for regulations, organisations and the functioning of University's regulations, except for those Statutes or other applicable provisions  where the responsibility is allocated to other regulatory bodies.
  4. Publishing all the required reports that determine the laws and statutes of the University.
  5. Approving or revoking any agreements, that are necessary to fulfil the Univeristy of Valencia's goals.
  6. Creating, modifying and closing departments, centre or structures which according to the Universities' laws, this right is only reserved for the Governing Council.
  7. Creating and modifying general services as well as proposing their dismissal to the Senate.
  8. Agreeing without bias, to the decisions made by the Board of Trustees according to their responsibilities, over the creation or collaboration with other public or private institutions of companies, foundations or other legal entities, as well as as agreeing to the participation in collaborations with pre-existing entities. Such agreements should be communicated to the Senate during their next meeting.
  9. Approving or modifying the degree curriculums to ensure that an official university qualification is obtained and that it is valid throughout the State. In addition, they are required to determine that the centre, will assume responsiblity for organising the teaching of such degrees.
  10. Approving the University of Valencia's offer of degrees and their curriculums.
  11. Approving the annual changes to the academic calendar and offer of studies.
  12. Approving the studies and university expansion activities.
  13. Approving the plans to promote and develop research and the training of researchers, as well as promoting and developing innovation in education.
  14. Establishing the general practises used to structure and advance teaching, research, administration and staff services.
  15. Approving the list of employment opportunities for teaching and research staff; to approve modifications to this list and to propose a motion for its approval. And if necessary to propose the approval or modification of changes to the employment opportunties for administrative and service staff.
  16. Approving regulations that regulate the entry tests for applicants and selection of teaching and research staff.
  17. Agreeing to proposals for teaching posts that are assessed through entry tests, as well as the announcment of the application to take the correspending entry tests.
  18. Agreeing to the announcements of job applications for the selection ofpermanent teaching and research staff positions.
  19. Appointing emeritus professors and agreeing to their continued position and ability to teach.
  20. Approving the regulations for granting honorary doctorate and the University medal, as well as granting these distinctions.
  21. Approving the procedures for the selection and provision of staff vacancies, as well as agreeing to the entry test for public employment. And for the provision of vacancies for administrative and services personnel.
  22. Submitting a proposal to the Board of Trustees for the recognition of situations that, in addition to establishing Generalitat (regional government) regulations that can give the right to award retribution for merit for dedication to the University.
  23. Approving the regulations for student admission procedures, of registration and academic records management, review of qualifications and award of extraordinary prizes for exemplary students.
  24. Proposing, in the budget proposal, the regulations for scholarships and financial aid for students.
  25. Approving the special circumstances for the teaching of specific University classes in partnership with health institutions where they impart university lectures.
  26. Approving the general guidelines of the language policy and the regulation for their implementation and development.
  27. Choosing responsibilities for selected members and representatives and, if necessary, revoking these responsibilities.
  28. In general, all the responsibilities that are attributed by the University's laws and statutes.

In accordance with the article 88 of the Statues:

The Governing Council is constituted by:

  1.  The principal who chairs it; the general secretary, who is also secretary of the Council; and the manager.
  2.  15 members of the university community appointed by the principal, in which vice-principals have to be necessarily included.
  3. 20 members of the Senate chosen by it among the representations of its diverse sectors in the following numbers:
    1. 9 in representation of the university-contracted doctor teaching body.
    2. 2 in representation of the university-contracted or not contracted doctor teaching body.
    3. 1 in representation of trainee research staff.
    4. 3 in representation of the administrative and services staff.
    5. 5 in representation of students.
  4. 15 representatives of deans, directors of centres, research university institutes and departments, distributed as follows:
    1. 11 representatives of deans and school directors.
    2. 3 representatives of department directors.
    3. 1 representative of research university institutes directors.
  5. 3 members of the Board of Trustees belonging to the university community.
  6. The term of the members of the Board mentioned in the sections 3 and 4 is a two-year period, except the students’ term, whose duration will be stablished at the Electoral Regulations provided in these Regulations.
  7. Deans and directors of the centre who are not members of the Governing Council have the right to attend meetings, without voting rights, and must be called in the same terms as the Council members.

The current Governing Council id composed by:


Rector: María Vicenta Mestre Escrivá

General Secretariat: María Elena Olmos Ortega

Manager: Juan Vicente Climent Espí



Vice-Principal for Studies: Isabel Vázquez Navarro

Vice-Principal for Academic Planning and Teaching Staff: Ernest Cano Cano

Vice-Principal for Permanent Training, Teaching Transformation and Employment: Ángeles Solanes Corella

Vice-principal for Research: Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla

Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer: Rosa Mª Donat Beneito

Vice-Principal for Culture and Society: Ester Alba Pagán

Vice-Principal for Internationalisation and Multilingualism: Carles Padilla Carmona 

Vice-Principal for Planning , Qualitiy and Technologies: Joaquín Aldás Manzano

Vice-Principal for Economics and Infrastructures: Justo Herrera Gómez

Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life: Pilar Serra Añó

Vice-Principal Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies: Silvia Martínez Gallego    

Delegate of the rector for students: Marcos Dura Gimeno

Student coordinator of the AGE: Víctor Herrera Latorre

PAS (administrative and service staff): Mª Vicenta Alandí Palanca

PAS (administrative and service staff): Fuensanta Doménech Roda




José Manuel Almerich Silla

Pedro Javier Cillero Salomón

José Manuel Claver Iborra

Emilia Ferrer García

Pedro Rafael Gil Monte

Javier Guardiola García

Marcela Isabel Jabbaz Churba

Begoña Milián Medina

María Navitidad Orellana Alonso

NON DOCTOR ASSOCIATED PDI (Teaching and Research Staff)

Rafael Fernández Maximiano

Vicente García Santos


Laura Antón González

PTGAS (Service and Administrative Staff)

Laura Coscollá Pascual

Carlos Javier López Benedí

Jacinto José Torrecillas Martínez


Rim Alhakim

Laia Darós Serrano

Víctor Estevan Martínez

Miguel Ángel Lavara Hortelano

María Vigo García




Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia: Amparo Ruiz Saurí

Facultat de Dret: Clara Viana Ballester

Facultat d'Economia: Francisco Muñoz Murgui

Facultat de Ciències Biològiques: Ismael J. Mingarro Muñoz

Facultat de Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport: Ferran Calabuig Moreno  

Facultat de Ciències Matemàtiques: José Salvador Moll Cebolla

Facultat de Ciències Socials: Elena Mut Montalvá

Facultat de Geografia i Història: Manuel Lomas Cortés

Facultat de Fisioterapia: Sofía Pérez Alenda

Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació: José A. Calañas Continente

Facultat de Física: Enric Valor Micó


IU de Investigació en Transit i Seguretat Viaria: Francisco Alonso Pla


Fisiología: Juan Gambini Buchón

Finanzas empresariales: Vicente Andrés Sanchis Berenguer

Biología Vegetal: Roc Ros Palau



Leonor Sáiz Amorós

Lourdes Soriano Cabanes

Francisco José Marín Crespo