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Apply for the UV Creative Writing Awards

The period to participate in the 17th edition of the Universitat de València Creative Writing Awards is open. This contest promotes and encourages literary creation among the students of Valencian universities. Originals can be submitted in six different modalities: poetry in Valencian, poetry in Spanish, short story in Valencian, short story in Spanish, theatre and short film script.  The winning work of each modality is endowed with a prize of €1,000, in addition to its publication.

Students from Valencian universities under the age of 35 can participate and students under the age of 35 from the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático of València can also participate in the theatre category.

This contest is organised by the SeDi Information and Promotion Service, in collaboration with the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication, the Literature Club, the Cinema Club and the Performing Arts of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport, Edicions 96 and the Colección Teatro Siglo XXI.  


  • From 13 march 2020 to 13 july 2020. Every day at 10:00 to 14:59.
  • 23 april 2020 at 00:00 to 14:00. Thursday.

Menéndez Pelayo, s/n Aulario III

Organized by

SeDi Information and Promotion Service.



Contact dinamitzacio@uv.es

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