Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Subvenciones de equipación deportiva para equipos de la Facultat d'Economia
Financial support for sports equipment for teams from the Faculty of Economics

Students of the Faculty who are part of sports teams that participate in the official competitions of the Universitat de València can request collaboration for their sports equipment.

This initiative of the Office of the Vice-Dean for Students aims to promote the participation of students in this type of activities, and at the same time achieve greater visibility of the Faculty of Economics in the official competitions of the university.

Students may request collaboration for sports equipment in exchange for carrying the logo of the Faculty of Economics on their equipment.

Applications must be addressed to the Office of the Vice-Dean for Students of the Faculty of Economics, and may be submitted scanned and by mail to the following address Jesus.Tierraseca@ext.uv.es

The deadline for applications is 15th November 2019.

More info


Date From 30 september 2019 to 15 november 2019. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

Vicedecanato de Estudiantes de la Facultat d'Economia.


Contact Jesus.Tierraseca@ext.uv.es