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Grants to carry out sociocultural activities regrading diversity

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability of the Universitat de València, through the diversitats Initiative, launches this first call for grants to carry out sociocultural activities. The call aims to promote, gather and encourage activities regarding equality in the diversity that implies the university community, which must be carried out in the university spaces.

The deadline for submissions ends the next 24th February and students, PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and PAS (Administrative and Service Staff) can submit their applications individually or collectively.

The activities may include cultural or artistic creation, production and cultural or artistic dissemination, such as cultural activities and competitions, artistic or informative exhibitions, concerts, artistic interventions or performances, audiovisual or theatrical productions, recitals or other similar of cultural character; educational and of training, such as conferences, talks, courses, workshops, seminars, formation days or congresses; or of scientific popularisation.

The sociocultural and artistic nature of the proposals as well as bringing together different university groups (students, PDI and PAS) in the realisation of the project will be specially evaluated. Each one of the selected projects will be granted with a maximum of € 1,000.

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability, through the diversitats Initiative, manages this call and both the regulations for the call as well as the applications are available on the Official Board of the Universitat de València http://links.uv.es/f7tBBfO


ScheduleFrom 28 january 2020 to 24 february 2020. Every day at 10:00 to 14:00.


In the three Campuses

Organized by

Office of the Vice-Principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability .



Contact diversitats@uv.es

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