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Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
Survey about the UV Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

If you are a member of the university community of the Universitat de València, you will sure have received an email with the survey to prioritise de adoption of SDGs at our university. Check your mail and take the survey. Your participation is important.

What are the SDG?

In 2015 the UN approved the Agenda 2030 for the improvement of the life of people and the planet, with the idea of redirecting the development of society under the prism of equality, education, care of the environment, combating poverty, climate change or forming alliances between nations and their societies to address in a holistic manner the great problems associated with current social growth, social and economic inequalities and the deterioration of the planet and the climate.

This is about a universal agenda in which social, economic and environmental paradigm shifts are proposed through 17 goals of sustainable development (SDG). Based on an analysis of the current situation, the objectives are specified in 169 targets to achieve sustainable development of people and their societies in harmony with the care of the planet and the climate.


In order to integrate the SDG in the university, the Universitat de València is developing the project  ODS: yo sí! La universidad como motor de transformación social a través de los ODS. (Spanish for SDG: I do! University as a social transformation engine through SDG). With this project we intend to analyse these goals in depth from the different areas of the university, and also with the participation of the different sectors (social, public and private), in order to be able to design specific actions that allow the integration of the perspective of sustainability in the functioning and function of the university itself and its environment.

The following survey is being sent to all the university members in order to adapt specific goals to the university environment in line with the SDG. 

To carry out the project ODS, yo sí! we want to know your concerns to prioritise approaches for possible future initiatives.


ScheduleFrom 2 march 2020 to 16 march 2020. Every day at 09:00 to 20:00.



Organized by

Office of the Vice-Principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability

Delegate for Sustainability




Contact sostenibilitat@uv.es

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