Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Located in the Faculty of Economics.

Assembly Hall  (ground floor)

»  Multipurpose Room
»  Movable furniture.
»  Network infrastructure.
»  Laptop.
»  Video projector.
»  Touch screen.
»  Maximum capacity for 110 people.

Reserve this room: salasfde@uv.es

Room Ángel Ortí Lahoz (mezzanine)

»  Meeting Room.
»  Network infrastructure.
»  Laptop.
»  Video projector.
»  Touch screen.
»  Maximum capacity for 22 people.

Reserve this room: Eva.T.buleo@uv.es

Board Romm (first floor)

»  Multipurpose Room.
»  Network infrastructure.
»  Laptop.
»  Video projector.
»  Touch screen.
»  Maximum capacity for 70 people.

Reserve this room: salasfde@uv.es

Room Ignasi Villalonga Villalba (first floor)

»  Conference Room, Seminars, Exhibition of Projects and Competitive Exams.
»  Network infrastructure.
»  Laptop.
»  Video projector.
»  Touch screen.
»  Maximum capacity for 56 people.

Reserve this room: salasfde@uv.es

Room Manuel Sánchez Ayuso (first floor)

»  Conference Room, Seminars, Exhibition of Projects and Competitive Exams.
»  Network infrastructure.
»  Laptop.
»  Video projector.
»  Touch screen.
»  Maximum capacity for 92 people.

Reserve this room: salasfde@uv.es