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Mentors Club informative session for IMBA students

  • February 12th, 2019
Image de la noticia

On February 12th, students attending the 2019 International MBA program at the Universitat de València had the presentation of the Mentors Club.

María Iborra and Jan Mankowski, members of the club's Advisory Board, were in charge of the presentation. Jan shared with them his personal experience as a mentored student two years ago. He focused on the opportunities that the Club offered him. Maria explained to the students the purposes of the club: to provide postgraduate students with a complement to their academic activity; create a safe environment working under the guidance of a mentor (a professional with an outstanding curriculum and exceptional experience in Management or Entrepreneurship), to acquire softs skills that allow them to improve their future professional performance.

The beginning of the selection process was announced, emphasizing that before the 15th of February, students must send a cover letter to the iMBA Director explaining the reasons why they want to join the program.

To conclude the informative session, the members of the club welcomed the iMBA students to the university and invited all to participate of this unique opportunity to enrich their experience during their stay.