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To obtain an official university qualification, students must take the number of free-choice credits established in the corresponding curriculum. As a minimum, this is approximately 10% of the overall academic commitment of the curriculum.

Students of the University of Valencia can obtain free-choice credits through several ways, according to their interests:

  1. By taking elective subjects offered by the degree programme that the student hopes to achieve: Students who choose this method strengthen the curriculum of the degree programme itself. These students can make the excess credits that correspond to the elective subjects taken within their curriculum count as free-choice credits when they finish their studies. These subjects will be marked and taken into consideration for the calculation of the average grade of the academic record.
    • Curriculums
    • Marking: These subjects will be marked and will be taken into consideration for the GPA (grade point average) of the academic record.
    • Incorporation into the academic record: On the completion of the degree programme.
  2. By taking subjects from other official curriculums: Free-choice credits can be provided by subjects from other studies taught at the University of Valencia and which have been included as free-choice subjects in the Academic Year Programme (OCA). These subjects will be marked and taken into consideration for the average grade of the academic record.
    • Student Portal: Academic Year Programme (OCA)
    • Enrolment: Include the code and the group in the enrolment, in the "elective" section
    • Marking: These subjects will be marked and taken into consideration for the GPA (grade point average) of the academic record.
    • Incorporation into the academic record: This is unnecessary as they already form part of the academic record
  3. By taking specific free-choice subjects: Free-choice credits will be provided by the specific free-choice subjects included in the Academic Year Programme (OCA). These do not belong to the official degree programme curriculums, in which students can enrol during the established enrolment period along with the rest of the subjects that they plan to take as part of their official degree programme. With the exception of those which correspond to a training module of an official degree programme or form part of an official degree programme with professional training, all of these free-choice only subjects and academic activities will be evaluated for each student by a pass or fail mark. This is not taken in to consideration for the calculation of the average grade of the academic record.
    • Student Portal: Offer of specific subjects
    • Enrolment: Include the code and the group at enrolment, in the "free-choice" section
    • Marking: These subjects will be given a pass or fail mark which is not taken into consideration for the calculation of the GPA (grade point average) of the academic record, with the exception of those which correspond to training modules of official degree programmes or which form part of official degree programmes with professional training.
    • Incorporation into the academic record: This is unnecessary as they already form part of the academic record.
  4. By taking other academic activities organised by the organisations and services authorised by the Board of Governors of the University and which have been included in the University of Valencia’s offer of free-choice subjects. For the credits provided by these activities to be incorporated into their academic record, students should make a request in writing at the centre, pay the public prices per credit corresponding to the studies being taken, unless they are included in the price of the activity, and present the supporting certificate. All these activities will be stated in the academic record with a pass mark, which is not taken into consideration for the average mark.
    • List of currently recognised free-choice activities
    • Enrolment: At the organisation that organises the course and in agreement with the established conditions and deadlines.
    • Marking: These subjects will be given a pass or fail mark which is not taken into consideration for the calculation of the GPA (grade point average) of the student record, with the exception of those which correspond to training modules of official degree programmes or which form part of official degree programme with professional training.
    • Incorporation into the student record: On completion of the course activity, students must contact the school office of secretary with the accreditation documents or course certificate.