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The Mavi Dolç i Gastaldo Awards for the use of Catalan in doctoral theses aim to promote the use of Catalan in research and to improve the language quality of texts.

2024 Call


Students who complete their doctoral studies in the University of Valencia.


Doctoral theses must be partially or completely written in Catalan and they must have been registered and defended in the University of Valencia any time from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2024.

Theses presented in previous calls will not be accepted.

Theses on language, literature, linguistics or translation and didactics, are not eligible.

Deadline for submission

From 15 June to 15 October 2024. OPEN

Financial envelope

Up to €3.000 per theses.

The amount awarded will be based on the language quality and the volume of the text written in Catalan.

Application form

Please, read the rules of the competition before submitting any application form or request. 

Applications can be made through the online office using a username and password of the University of Valencia or with an electronic certificate issued by an official certification authority.

Open the menu “General” and then select:

  1. Type of organ: Serveis universitaris, generals i centrals
  2. Addressed body: Servei de Llengües i Política Lingüística
  3. Requested process: Unit specific processes
  4. Dinamització

Please attach the application form filled in as well as any other documents required in the rules.



Joan A. Cebrian | | +34 963 937 728