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Javier Guardiola García is Tenured Lecturer in the Department of Criminal Law at the Universitat de València, and a member of the University Institute for Research in Criminology and Criminal Sciences.

He graduated in Law at the same University (1992-1997, Extraordinary Award), where he also completed his doctoral studies along with a specific degree in Criminology (1997-2000), and, after defending his doctoral thesis in 2002 (published as a monograph: La realización arbitraria del propio derecho, Tirant lo Blanch, 2003), he completed his studies for a degree in Criminology (2005-2006, Extraordinary Award and National Award of End of Degree).

He teaches Criminal Law and Criminology at undergraduate and postgraduate level, participates in educational innovation projects and has extensive experience in teaching coordination - he has been subject, group and course coordinator, director of specific degrees, coordinator of the double degree programme in Law and Criminology and co-director of the University Master's Degree in Criminology and Security.

As a researcher, he has participated in more than ten projects financed with public funds and several others with private funding, and is the author of several scientific publications on legal and criminological issues; he is a member of the Spanish Society of Criminological Research, secretary of the journal ReCrim (, has been an evaluator for several journals and scientific bodies and member of organising and scientific committees of various congresses.

He has been an Alternate Magistrate of the Provincial Court of Valencia, and is a member of the Bar Association of Valencia and the Official College of Criminologists of the Valencia Region (of which he has been a member of the Deontological and Guarantees Commission).
Member of the Board of the Faculty of Law since 2008, since March 2018 he has been Vice-Dean of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies in Criminology.