UVlibrariesUniversitat de València Logo del portal

  • Temporary halt of document transfers to the Intermediate Archive


    Temporary suspension of document transfers to the Intermediate Archive

    We inform that from July 12, 2023 will proceed to the temporary suspension of transfers of documentation to the Intermediate Archive by migration of the current database to a new tool specifically oriented to the management of physical and electronic archival documentation, therefore, until a new communication on this website will not be able to carry out any transfer.

    We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • arxiu


    Arxiu tancat temporalment

    Durant els dies 7 a 14 de febrer inclosos no hi haurà atenció personalitzada a l'Arxiu Intermedi. Per a qualsevol qüestió contacteu per correu electrònic. Perdoneu les molèsties.

  • arxiu


    Avís d'Arxiu tancat

    El proper 29 d'octubre l'Arxiu Intermedi romandrà tancat. Preguem disculpeu les molèsties.

  • New Archive website


    New website

    The Archive and the Web Unit are renewing the new website in order to adapt it to the new contents management and improve the interface and accessibility as it has already been carried out in the corporate website and centres.