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Calendar and instrutions for academic year 2025-26 available at the end of February

NOTE: If you need further clarification about the pre-enrolment procedure, please send a request for information through Support and Enquiries. If you have doubts regarding any academic matter (admission criteria, suitability of your degree, master’s characteristics, schedules, enrolment, etc.) you will have to contact the Centre in charge of the Master's Degrees


The Universitat de València facilitates the adjudication by opening two phases or pre-enrolment periods:Pre-enrolment is the admission process through which application forms are ordered and places offered are allocated.



During this phase, pre-enrolment will be open for all the Master’s degrees offered for the academic year 2024-2025.

Period for submitting applications: from February 15 to June 14 2024 at 14:00h (local time).

Requirements to participate in this phase:

  1. Students in possession of an official university degree that gives access to Master’s studies, or who are in the process of obtaining it, at the latest by 19 July 2024.
  2. Students studying for a Bachelor’s degree at a university in the European Higher Education Area who still have to pass the Degree Final Project and up to a maximum of 9 ECTS credits (except for MD in Legal Practice and Representation. In this case, it is a requirement to access this master's degree to be in possession of the Bachelor's diploma).

In any case, students in possession of a university degree will have priority in enrolment over students in case b). Therefore, students who have yet to pass the Degree Final Project and up to a maximum of 9 ECTS credits can only access the Master's degree if, once enrolment and the waiting list of students who access with completed studies is finished, there are still places available on the Master's degree.

If at the time the pre-enrolment application is made, students do not have a Bachelor's degree or equivalent but expect to obtain it before 19 July at 11.59 p.m., the application will be equally made and the degree certificate or other document that accredits the completion of the studies before this date will be provided through the option attach, so that the application may have preference over students with pending studies.

The publication of results, which will take place on 12 July, will establish who is admitted, who is on the waiting list, and who is excluded for each Master's degree.

Note: If the studies that give access to the Master's degree have been taken at the UV, it will not be necessary to provide this documentation. The completion of the studies and the conditions set out in the RD 822/2021 will be checked officially by the Students Service.  Although at the time of enrolment it will only be verified, if necessary, that students have completed their studies, it should be recalled that the status of graduate is acquired by processing the deposit of the degree, which will be verified during the months of September and October and, if this is not the case, enrolment will be cancelled.

Failure to prove the languages specific requirements for MD in Secondary Teacher Training before 19 July at 23:59h (local time) will imply that the registration will be automatically cancelled.


The enrolment period will be open from July 15, starting 12h, to July 22.

Students will be able to access the online enrolment process if they have been accepted in accordance with the publication of the awards of 12 July and, in addition, present their Master's degree certificate by 19 July at 11.59 p.m. The presentation of the certificate must be done through the Online Office- ENTREU/ My Procedures through the option attach.

Students who do not enrol within the established deadline will lose their right to the place, which will be offered on the waiting list calls.

You can find all the information about the enrolment here.


At the end of the enrolment period, the vacant places for each Master's degree course will be counted and offered to students on the waiting list according to the order of preference.

The results of the allocation of the waiting list for the ordinary phase will be published on 24 July. Admitted students will have to enrol between 25 and 26 July, by accessing the online enrolment system.

Once the waiting list enrolment process has been completed, if there are still vacancies in any Master's degree programme, they will be offered by telephone to the corresponding candidates on the waiting list who have accredited that they hold a Bachelor's degree or equivalent. If after this call there are still vacancies, they will be offered, in order of preference, to those who have not yet submitted their TFG and have a maximum of 9 pending credits.

In the event that you are already enrolled in a Master's degree that you applied for as a second or third option and you have been allocated a place on the waiting list in a priority option, you must cancel your enrolment in the Master's degree before enrolling in the new place assigned to you by the waiting list.


Submission of pre-enrolment applications From 15 February (0.00 h) to 14 June at 14:00 h (local time)
Deadline for submitting academic considerations (update of average mark). The mark will not be updated if the Academic Certificate has not been submitted by this date. 26 June (midnight)

Evaluation of applications

From 1 to 4 July
Publication of selection results 12 July
Claims about selection results (by filling in the form through the Online Office) From 12 July (14:00 h)  to 16 July (23:59 h)
Online enrolment (completed studies)* From 15 (starting 12h)  to 22 July

Deadline for submitting the document that proves completion of studies and enables the enrolment (students admitted with pending studies)

19 July at 11.59 p.m.
Publication of results of first call from waiting list (WL) 24 July (09:00 h)
Waiting list online enrolment 25 and 26 July
Waiting list phone calls From 29 to 31 July
Online enrolment of applicants with pending studies**

From 29 July to 31 July

Deadline for submission of languages specific requirements for MD in Secondary Education Teacher Training 19 July at 11.59 p.m.

* Students admitted in master's  degrees with prior appointment registration will enrol in the following days:

  • MD in Law Practice, MD in General Health Psychology, MD in Experimental Techniques in Chemistry & MD in Social Work: 22 de July.
  • MD in Secondary Education Teacher Training: 19 and 22 July

** Only for those students from EHEA who have been accepted not having completed their studies according to the regulation, the other ones must have the legalized UG/Bachelor Diploma


  • Candidates admitted who do not enrol within the period established will lose their place and it will be offered on the waiting list call.
  • Candidates who participated in the Ordinary Phase but did not obtain a place and remained on the waiting list or lost it after not being able to enrol on time, in order to access the Extraordinary Phase, have to submit a new application for Master's degrees with vacancies, provided that they have not been excluded in those programmes in the Ordinary Phase.
  • The Extraordinary Phase is only open to those Master’s degrees that have not completed their offer of places in the Ordinary Phase.


During this phase, pre-enrolment will be open only for Master’s degrees in which there are vacant places left after the allocations and enrolment of the ordinary phase.

Period for submitting applications: from 22 July to 3 September 2024.

On 22 July the provisional list of the Master's degrees to be offered in this phase will be published. On 30 July, once the waiting list calls for the ordinary phase have almost been completed, the definite list of the Master’s degrees to be offered in the extraordinary phase will be published.

Requirements to participate in this phase:

  1. Students in possession of an official university degree that gives access to Master’s studies, or who are in the process of obtaining it, at the latest by 18 September 2024.
  2. Students studying for a Bachelor’s degree at a university in the European Higher Education Area who still have to pass the Degree Final Project and up to a maximum of 9 ECTS credits (except for MD in Legal Practice and Representation. In this case, it is a requirement to access this master's degree to be in possession of the Bachelor's diploma).

In any case, students in possession of a university degree will have priority in enrolment over students in case b). Therefore, students who have yet to pass the Degree Final Project and up to a maximum of 9 ECTS credits can only access the Master's degree if, once enrolment and the waiting list of students who access with completed studies is finished, there are still places available on the Master's degree.

If at the time the pre-enrolment application is made, students do not have a Bachelor's degree or equivalent but expect to obtain it before 18 September at 11.59 p.m., the application will be equally made and the degree certificate or other document that accredits the completion of the studies before this date will be provided through the option attach, so that the application may have preference over students with pending studies.

The publication of results, which will take place on 17 September, will establish who is admitted, who is on the waiting list, and who is excluded for each Master's degree.

Note: If the studies that give access to the Master's degree have been taken at the UV, it will not be necessary to provide this documentation. The completion of the studies and the conditions set out in the RD 822/2021 will be checked officially by the Students Service. Although at the time of enrolment it will only be verified, if necessary, that students have completed their studies, it should be recalled that the status of graduate is acquired by processing the deposit of the degree, which will be verified during the months of September and October and, if this is not the case, enrolment will be cancelled.


Two enrolment periods will be open:

  • Enrolment for students who present a certificate that give access to Master’s studies before 18 September at 11.59 p.m.: 18 and 19 September.
  • Enrolment for students from Spanish and EHEA universities who have at most, the Final Degree Project and 9 credits pending: from 20 to 27 September.


In the extraordinary phase there will be no publication of the allocation of the waiting list, but telephone calls will be made directly.


Submission of pre-enrolment applications

From 22 July (14:00 h) to 3 September (midnight) (local time)

Provisional publication of the Master’s degrees offered 18 July

Definitive publication of the Master’s degrees offered

30 July
Deadline for academic considerations (update of the average mark). The mark will not be updated if the Academic Certificate has not been submitted by this date. 5 September (midnight)
Evaluation of applications 9 - 10 September
Publication of pre-enrolment results 17 September (09:00 h)
Claims about selection results (by filling in the form through the Online Office)  17 September (14:00 h) to 18 September (23:59 h)
Online enrolment (completed studies) 18 and 19 September
Deadline for submitting the document that proves completion of studies and enables the enrolment (students admitted with pending studies) 18 September at 11.59 p.m.
Online enrolment of applicants with pending studies* From 20 to 27 September
* only for those students from EHEA who have been accepted not having completed their studies according to the regulation, the other ones must have the legalized UG/Bachelor Diploma


  • Candidates admitted who do not enrol within the period established will lose their place and it will be offered on the waiting list call.
  • The Extraordinary Phase is only open to those Master’s degrees that have not completed their offer of places in the Ordinary Phase.



Those who meet the general and specific admission requirements stated in each University Master’s degree may submit the pre-enrolment application within the deadlines indicated.

Application forms and required documents must be submitted through the University Online Office following the link provided in the “Application form” tab.

Before filling in the application, it is very important to read carefully the information detailed below and consult the technical requirements to access the University Online Office.

Each applicant may only submit one application per enrolment phase, being able to choose up to a maximum of three options from among the degrees or specialisations offered.

Applicants may withdraw their application, either because they do not wish to enrol anymore or because they wish to change their application and submit a new one. To do so, they must access the actions associated with their application in “My Procedures” at the Online Office. For students with degrees obtained outside the EHEA, if in the withdrawn application the fees for the Favourable Resolution of access have been paid, when submitting the new pre-enrolment application, they must indicate that it is NOT the first time they apply for access to a Master’s degree. In addition, they should state in the Comments section the number of the withdrawn pre-enrolment applications.

Online application form:

a) In the online application form, with the supporting documents, you will have to indicate:

  • Your personal and academic information. Students with non-Spanish nationality or without residence in Spain must select the option “foreigner” in the fields “province of birth”, “city of birth”, “province of residence” and “city of residence”.
  • The Master’s degree or, if applicable, the Master’spathway / specialisationin which you are interested, in order of preference, to a maximum of three. Preference is decisive, since the places offered in the Master’s degree programmes will be allocated according to the order indicated by students in their application form. If demand is greated than the number of places available, these will be allocated according to the order of preference indicated and to the result of the evaluation of merits carried out by the Academic Coordinating Committee. That allocation shall be binding. So enrolment changes won’t be accepted if they don’t follow the preference indicated in the application.
  • In the event of a disability with a recognised degree equal to or greater than 33%, the 5% quota reserved for this group of people is chosen. In this case, this circumstance must be indicated in the corresponding field of the online form, the corresponding supporting documents must be attached.
  • Payment of the foreign degree equivalence study fee. Those students who access the Master’s degree through a foreign university degree that has not been officially recognised and which has been issued in an educational system outside the European Higher Education Area will be charged a €155.22 fee, payable through the online pre-enrolment form. This payment is imperative to complete the pre-enrolment process. This fee is generated only once for all pre-enrolment applications submitted. If the applicant pre-enrols in another academic year with the same foreign access studies that were already subject to verification, they will not pay the fee again. In the event that they have paid the foreign degree equivalence fee at another university, they will be exempt from paying it, provided that proof of payment of the fee and the Favourable Equivalence Resolution indicating the foreign degree that was subjected to verification has been attached. However, once the verification of studies has been completed, and the Favourable Resolution of access has been issued, no fees will be reimbursed.

b) Registration and verification.

  • Once you have completed your application form, you must send it online by clicking on the “send” button, in the “end” tab.
  • To check if your application form has been registered correctly, you can click on the option “obtain document”, which will generate a copy in PDF format including the numerical application identifier, the date and time of submission, the registration number and the document’s digital fingerprint. You can also dowload it anytime at the Online Office - My procedures.
  • Once the pre-enrolment application is generated, you will not be able to modify it. Therefore, neither the Master's degrees chosen, nor their order of preference, can be changed. If you wish to carry out this type of modification, you will have to withdraw the application sent and submit a new one. To do so, you must access the actions associated with your application in “My Procedures” at the Online Office.

Pre-admission letters.

If, prior to the admission decision, you wish to apply for a scholarship in your country and you need to prove your status as an applicant for access to the Master's degree, please send a request via the new tiquetingUV application indicating the pre-enrolment application number.

In order for this document to be issued, it is therefore necessary, in any case, to have previously completed the pre-enrolment application, to meet the access requirements and to provide all the required documentation.


3.1. Documentation in electronic format to be included in the application, depending on the case:

a) UV Students

b) Students from other Spanish universities

c) Students from higher education institution outside Spain (aka EHEA)

d) Students with a Degree officially recognized by the Spanish Government

e) Students with a Degree from out of the EHEA or/and NOT recognized by the Spanish Government

a) UV students

Students from the University of Valencia do not have the obligation to submit the generic documentation. They are only required to submit, in case of disability, copy of the certificate issued by the assessment unit of the Autonomous Community, and the specific documentation for any master requested, if necessary. It is recommended to consult in the Master’s Card the computable merits shown in “Admission Criteria” and the supporting documentation that you would need to provide with.

  1. If accessing with completed studies

1.1. DNI (Spaniards), NIE (Spanish residents) or Passport (foreign citizens)

1.2. Degree’s Diploma or substitute certificate and, if applicable, officially translated (see the section “Requirements for foreign graduates”)

1.3. Official transcript of records (grades/marks), stating the average mark of the subjects passed up at the time of application, calculated on a 10-point scale and, if applicable, officially translated (see the section “Requirements for foreign graduates”)

1.4. Specific documentation required, for any master requested, if necessary. It is recommended to consult in the Master’s Card the computable merits shown in “Admission Criteria” and the supporting documentation that you would need to provide with.

1.5. In case of disability, copy of the certificate issued by the assessment unit of the Autonomous Community.

If you submit the European Diploma Supplement (EDS), duly signed with stamp, neither the official university degree nor the academic certificate is required.

  1. When accessing with pending studies

2.1. DNI (Spaniards), NIE (Spanish residents) or Passport (foreign citizens)

2.2. Official transcript of records (grades/marks), stating the average mark of the subjects passed up at the time of application, calculated on a 10-point scale and, if applicable, officially translated (see the section “Requirements for foreign graduates”)

2.3. Specific documentation required, for any master requested, if necessary. It is recommended to consult in the Master’s Card the computable merits shown in “Admission Criteria” and the supporting documentation that you would need to provide with.

2.4. In case of disability, copy of the certificate issued by the assessment unit of the Autonomous Community.

NOTICE: The average mark is meant to update only until June 26th (or September 5th in extraordinary phase), and not further after that date, by attaching a new transcript of records to your application. It is essential having submitted within the applications period a previous/provisional transcript.

Since the students with completed studies have the priority for enrolling, please submit your Diploma or document getting accredited that your studies are completed, before July 19th (for the ordinary phase) or September 18th (for the extraordinary phase). This will give them priority over students with pending (TFG/9 pending ECTS) studies.

1. If accessing with completed studies:

1.1. DNI (Spaniards), NIE (Spanish residents) or Passport (foreign citizens)

1.2. Degree’s Diploma or substitute certificate and, if applicable, officially translated (see the section “Requirements for foreign graduates”)

1.3. Official transcript of records (grades/marks), stating the average mark of the subjects passed up at the time of application, calculated on a 10-point scale and, if applicable, officially translated (see the section “Requirements for foreign graduates”)

1.4. Document for grades equivalence: indicating an average mark calculated on a 10 point scale, according to the procedure established by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Those who do not provide this document will be given an admission average mark of 5 points over 10.

1.5. Specific documentation required, for any master requested, if necessary. It is recommended to consult in the Master’s Card the computable merits shown in “Admission Criteria” and the supporting documentation that you would need to provide with.

1.6. Besides, for the MD in General Health Psychology, it is required the Favourable Resolution of Access to the MD according to the procedure established for this purpose. More info.

If you submit the European Diploma Supplement (EDS), duly signed with stamp, neither the official university degree nor the academic certificate is required.

2. When accessing with pending studies

1.1. DNI (Spaniards), NIE (Spanish residents) or Passport (foreign citizens)

1.2. Official transcript of records (grades/marks), stating the average mark of the subjects passed up at the time of application, calculated on a 10-point scale and, if applicable, officially translated (see the section “Requirements for foreign graduates”)

1.3. Document for grades equivalence: indicating an average mark calculated on a 10 point scale, according to the procedure established by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Those who do not provide this document will be given an admission average mark of 5 points over 10.

1.4. Specific documentation required, for any master requested, if necessary. It is recommended to consult in the Master’s Card the computable merits shown in “Admission Criteria” and the supporting documentation that you would need to provide with.

1.5. Besides, for the MD in General Health Psychology, it is required the Favourable Resolution of Access to the MD according to the procedure established for this purpose. More info.

NOTICE: The average mark is meant to update only until June 26th (or September 5th in extraordinary phase), and not further after that date, by attaching a new transcript of records to your application. It is essential having submitted within the applications period a previous/provisional transcript.

Since the students with completed studies have the priority for enrolling, please submit your Diploma or document getting accredited that your studies are completed, before July 19th (for the ordinary phase) or September 18th (for the extraordinary phase). This will give them priority over students with pending (TFG/9 pending ECTS) studies.

1. DNI (Spaniards), NIE (Spanish residents) or Passport (foreign citizens)

2. Official certificate of recognition of the foreign degree issued by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Please check instructions to fill the application.

3. Your home institution Degree’s Diploma

4. Official transcript of records (grades/marks), stating the average mark of the subjects passed up at the time of application, calculated on a 10-point scale and, if applicable, officially translated (see the section “Requirements for foreign graduates”)

5. Document for grades equivalence: indicating an average mark calculated on a 10 point scale, according to the procedure established by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Those who do not provide this document will be given an admission average mark of 5 points over 10.

6. Specific documentation required, for any master requested, if necessary. It is recommended to consult in the Master’s Card the computable merits shown in “Admission Criteria” and the supporting documentation that you would need to provide with.

1. DNI (Spaniards), NIE (Spanish residents) or Passport (foreign citizens)

2. Degree’s Diploma with the corresponding legalisation or, if applicable, apostille. Likewise, and if applicable, its official translation (see the section Requirements for foreign graduates”). Moreover, students who obtained a Favourable Equivalence Resolution for acceding to postgraduate studies in previous academic years must also provide a copy of this resolution.

3. Official transcript of records (grades/marks), stating the average mark of the subjects passed up at the time of application, calculated on a 10-point scale and, if applicable, officially translated (see the section “Requirements for foreign graduates”)

4. Document for grades equivalence: indicating an average mark calculated on a 10 point scale, according to the procedure established by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Those who do not provide this document will be given an admission average mark of 5 points over 10.

5. Specific documentation required, for any master requested, if necessary. It is recommended to consult in the Master’s Card the computable merits shown in “Admission Criteria” and the supporting documentation that you would need to provide with.

6. Besides, for the MD in General Health Psychology, it is required the Favourable Resolution of Access to the MD according to the procedure established for this purpose. More info.

NOTICE: Students belonging to this case who apply for pre-enrolment with pending studies, will only be admitted to the master’s degree if, without exception, they submit all the aforementioned documents, duly apostilled, or translated if needed, before July 19th (or September 18th for the extraordinary phase). Please check “Requirements for foreign graduates”)

If you are not admitted due to non-compliance with this requirement or for submitting the required documents (degree or academic certificate) without an Apostille/Legalization, or, if needed, an official translation, you are not entitled to a refund of the tax paid for the equivalence study (foreign qualifications verification).

3.2.- Paper-based documentation

According to Law 39/2015, applicants do not need to provide “certified copies”.

Exceptionally, when there are doubts as to the authenticity of the electronic documentation submitted, a reasoned request will be made to compare the copies provided by the applicant, for which purpose the original document may be required to be shown. The collation of the copies will be carried out at the Student Services of the Universitat de València, never at the registration units.


The submission of the mandatory documentation in electronic format with the pre-enrolment application will be an essential requirement for the processing of your application. If you wish to include updated information after you have sent your application, you can attach it to be taken into account in the evaluation, provided that it has been submitted within the deadline. Consult the deadlines for the Ordinary and Extraordinary phases in the calendar of the procedure.


1. Pre-enrolment application for Master's degrees

Note: Before filling in the application, it is very important to read carefully the instructions, to check the compulsory documents to be submitted, and consult the technical requirements to prepare your computer.

Through the following link you can access the pre-enrolment application for Master's degrees:

Online application 

Please find more information in the following documents:

University of Valencia students tutorial

External students tutorial

Important: We recommend you to download the application PDF confirmation by clicking on the appropiate option. In this way you can check if your application form has been registered correctly.

2. How to access the online register

You can access the pre-enrolment application form for Master's Degrees through the Services Portal of University of Valencia from any computer with Internet access, in one of the following ways:

  1. UV students: using their username and password.
  2. UV students without identification or students from other universities: you will have to obtain credentials (username and password) to access the different services that the UV offers you

If it is your first time accessing the Services Portal, you must accept the terms of use and the data protection policy to access the application.


Evaluation and allocation of places

After the deadline for submitting pre-enrolment applications, the Academic Coordinating Committee (CCA) of each Master’s degree will evaluate the applications received according to the entry and grading criteria expected and published in each Master’s degree Sheet.

The places offered will be allocated according to the result of the evaluation of pre-enrolment applications and to the order of preference indicated by applicants on their application forms.

All those who were not satisfied with the score obtained in the evaluation of their application, may submit the corresponding claim, through the form available at Online Office, within the established deadline (from 12 July at 2 p.m. to 16 July at 11.59 p.m. in Ordinary Phase or, from 17 September at 2 p.m. to 18 September at 11.59 p.m. in Extraordinary Phase). After this deadline, no applications will be accepted.

Notification and access to the results of the allocation of places

The result of the allocation of places will be communicated to the students in the Online Office through “My Procedures”. The Online Office ( notifies you through an automatic communication sent to the e-mail address indicated in the pre-enrolment application form.

Each student can only be admitted to one Master’s degree and, if applicable, pathway/specialisation, and may be on the waiting list for several degrees for which they have applied in priority to the Master's degree to which they have been admitted.

The results of the allocation of places can be consulted in a personalised way at:

If one or several Master's degrees options have not been accepted, there query won't show results.

Admissions 12 July 2024

List of Admitted Applications

Waiting list Applications

-Results of first call from Waiting List - 24 July *

List of Admitted Applications

Waiting List Applications

*Online enrolment only for those who have accredited before July 19th that they hold a Bachelor's degree or equivalent.

Admissions 17 September 2024 - Extraordinary Phase

List of Admitted applications

Waiting List Applications

Admission letter and Resolution of the equivalence study.

Students who have obtained a place can download the letter of admission to the Master’s degree from “My Procedures” in the Online Office. Likewise, for those students who access through an external degree in the European Higher Education Area, they can download the Resolution of Equivalence of their degree.




Submission of pre-enrolment applications From 15 February (0.00 h) to 14 June at 14:00 h (local time)
Deadline for submitting academic considerations (update of average mark). The mark will not be updated if the Academic Certificate has not been submitted by this date. 26 June (midnight)

Evaluation of applications

From 1 to 4 July
Publication of selection results 12 July
Claims about selection results (by filling in the form through the Online Office) From 12 July (14:00 h)  to 16 July (23:59 h)
Online enrolment (completed studies)* From 15 (starting 12h) to 22 July
Deadline for submitting the document that proves completion of studies and enables the enrolment (students admitted with pending studies) 19 July at 11.59 p.m.
Publication of results of first call from waiting list (WL) 24 July (09:00 h)
Waiting list online enrolment 25 and 26 July
Waiting list phone calls From 29 to 31 July
Online enrolment of applicants with pending studies**

From 29 July to 31 July

Deadline for submission of languages specific requirements for MD in Secondary Education Teacher Training 19 July at 11.59 p.m.

* Students admitted in master's  degrees with prior appointment registration will enrol in the following days:

  • MD in Law Practice, MD in General Health Psychology, MD in Experimental Techniques in Chemistry & MD in Social Work: 22 de July.
  • MD in Secondary Education Teacher Training: 19 and 22 July

** Only for those students from EHEA who have been accepted not having completed their studies according to the regulation, the other ones must have the legalized UG/Bachelor Diploma


  • Candidates admitted who do not enrol within the period established will lose their place and it will be offered on the waiting list call.
  • Candidates who participated in the Ordinary Phase but did not obtain a place and remained on the waiting list or lost it after not being able to enrol on time, in order to access the Extraordinary Phase, have to submit a new application for Master's degrees with vacancies, provided that they have not been excluded in those programmes in the Ordinary Phase.
  • The Extraordinary Phase is only open to those Master’s degrees that have not completed their offer of places in the Ordinary Phase.


Submission of pre-enrolment applications

From 22 July (14:00 h) to 3 September (midnight) (local time)

Provisional publication of the Master’s degrees offered 18 July

Definitive publication of the Master’s degrees offered

30 July
Deadline for academic considerations (update of the average mark). The mark will not be updated if the Academic Certificate has not been submitted by this date. 5 September (midnight)
Evaluation of applications 9 - 10 September
Publication of pre-enrolment results 17 September (09:00 h)
Claims about selection results (by filling in the form through the Online Office)  17 September (14:00 h) to 18 September (23:59 h)
Online enrolment (completed studies) 18 and 19 September
Deadline for submitting the document that proves completion of studies and enables the enrolment (students admitted with pending studies) 18 September at 11.59 p.m.
Online enrolment of applicants with pending studies* From 20 to 27 September
* only for those students from EHEA who have been accepted not having completed their studies according to the regulation, the other ones must have the legalized UG/Bachelor Diploma


  • Candidates admitted who do not enrol within the period established will lose their place and it will be offered on the waiting list call.
  • The Extraordinary Phase is only open to those Master’s degrees that have not completed their offer of places in the Ordinary Phase.