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Born in Tavernes de la Valldigna (1972). Full professor of Political Legal Philosophy of the Faculty of Law. Graduate and PhD in Law from Universitat de València, with extraordinary award of Undergraduate Degree.

Her research addresses issues related to legal philosophy and human rights from the perspective of Spanish and comparative law. She is the author of various books and multiple articles in specialized national and foreign scientific journals.

She has participated in more than thirty international and national research projects, among which stand out the project Consolider-Ingenio-2010 ‘El tiempo de los derechos’ (the time of the rights) (HURI AGE), two projects in the Prometeo programme and the project DAPHNE (EU).

Since 2013, she has been the main researcher of the research group Multihuri (UV) and currently leads the project Racismo y Discriminación: los Derechos Humanos bajo amenaza (Racism and Discrimination: Human Rights under threat) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

She supervised eight PhDs, five of which have international citations. She has carried out research stays in centres of recognized international prestige in Paris, Milan, Brussels, Geneva, London, San Diego, Bucharest, Toulouse and Montreal. She is the director of the Yearbook of Legal Philosophy and a member, among others, of Comitè Aviseur National et International du Centre d’Études Ethniques des Universités Montréalaises (CEETUM), of la Red Internacional América Latina, África, Europa y Caribe (ALEC) and of Patronat del Consorci d’Entitats per a l’Acció Integral amb Migrants (CEPAIM).

She has recognized four six-year research periods and one transfer six-year period. She has been president of the Council for the Elimination of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination (2018 to 2020 Ministry of Equality), currently the president of the Forum for the Social Integration of Immigrants (Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration).

In the Universitat de València she’s been the Vice Dean of International Relations at the Faculty of Law, director of Department of Political Legal Philosophy and, currently, she’s a member of Senate of Universitat de València.

She’s been teaching in undergraduate, doctoral and official master’s degree, as well as Specific Degrees of Universitat de València and other Spanish and international universities.

She has directed, in its various editions, the postgraduate degree in Immigration, Integration and Rights and the diploma of professional specialization in Counselling and Provision of Services to Immigrants.

She took part in numerous projects related to teaching innovations and among them stands out the one, that was led by Universidad de Valladolid, which was awarded with Premio de Innovación Educativa de su Consejo Social (UVA).

Likewise, she has led teaching innovation and improvement projects that have resulted in different publications. Currently she coordinates Inter-University Network of Teaching Innovations in Human Rights.

She has also participated in conferences and workshops of a teaching nature, and in programmes of recruitment, revitalization and improvement of teaching. She has recognized five five-year teaching periods, highlighting the Excellent grade of the advanced level in the last evaluated period.