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Born in Valencia (1974), she is a lecturer in the Department of Art History at the Universitat de València. She holds a degree in Geography and History, specialising in Art History, and a Doctorate in Art History from the Universitat de València. Extraordinary award for her degree and doctorate from the Universitat de València and Academic Recognition Award from the Valencian Government. She has recognised 4 six-year research terms and 4 five-year teaching terms.

Her research activity focuses on the study and analysis of museology and museography and art criticism, with special attention to contemporary art and cultural heritage linked to the exchange and dissemination of ideas and knowledge, from the perspective of visual studies and the gender perspective. She has published books, book chapters and numerous articles in specialised journals. She has directed research projects focusing on the visibility of art made by women and is a member of a national inter-university team dedicated to recovering the art made by Spanish women artists (1804-1939). In the field of cultural heritage, she is the lead researcher on several European projects. She has supervised seven doctoral theses and more than fifty undergraduate and master's degree final projects. She has carried out research stays at the Spanish National Research Council, at the Centre Ledoux in Paris, at the Hispanic Society (New York), and at the Universities of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Laval (Canada), Federico II of Naples and University of Palermo.

Her teaching activity focuses on aspects related to cultural heritage, museography and contemporary art undergraduate degrees and she is a lecturer on the Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage and the Master's Degree in Art History and Visual Culture at the Universitat de València. She is also lecturer and co-director of the Master's Degree in Analysis and Diagnosis of works of art and in the PERMEA Master's Degree (Experimental Programme of mediation and education through art) organised by the Universitat de València and the Consorci de Museus of the Valencian Community.

She has been Vice-Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Geography and History. Member of the Constitution Committee, the Senate and the Board of Trustees, she has been Director of the University Culture Service and of the Arxiu Valencià del Disseny (Valencian Design Archive) of the Universitat de València. She is currently a Management Committee Member of COST EuroWeb (EU), and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Valencia Fine Arts Museum and the Design Foundation. She has been a member of the Governing Council of the IVAM and has been a member of the Committee of Experts for the evaluation of the museological facilities of National Heritage.