Users of the services offered by the Secretary’s Office of the Facultat de Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació, have their rights recognised on the article 13 of the Law 39/2015, from 1 October, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, and particu-larly:
- To have at their disposal updated information and adequate content on the services offered by the secretary office.
- To be informed with efficiency of the procedures those affect them.
- To be treated with due respect and consideration by all the staff of the secretary office.
- To know the identity of the staff who processes the procedures in which they take part.
- To present suggestions, complaints and congratulations that they consider appropiate in relation to the services given by the secretary office in which they are an interested party.
- To have guaranteed personal data confidentiality according to the current regulations.
- To have access to the facilities and services needed so that students with physical or sensory disabilities can properly take their studies and get an appropriate academic training.
- To be attended in the official language de la UV initially expressed by students.
- To know the module programmes and the professors in charge.
- To get equality and to not being discriminated in terms of gender, ideology, birth, language, sexual orientation, disabilities or any other circumstance.
- To the data protection of Social Security, in the terms and conditions the legal provisions that regulate it establish.
- To honour, personal privacy and image.
- Any other right arising from the current regulations.