Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Chemistry Logo del portal

Programme code: 3141

Regulations: RD 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Sciences

Doctoral website: www.icmol.es/doctorado/nano

Organised by:Institute for Molecular Science

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:Universitat de València (Estudi General), Universitat d'Alacant, Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Universidad de La Laguna,Universidad de Castilla La Mancha

Programme Coordinator:Eugenio Coronado Miralles

Places available for new students:25 places

Aims: The main objective is the writing and defence of a doctoral thesis in Nanoscience. During the process, PhD students must acquire a high level of professional skills in various fields, especially in those that require creativity and innovation. It shall provide skills to cope with contexts with little specific information, to find the key questions that must be answered to solve a complex problem, to design, create, develop and launch new and innovative projects, etc. The specific objectives are: to offer research training to graduates and to facilitate their academic, research or professional development; to establish collaborative relationships with high-tech institutions and companies; to promote cooperation between universities to develop a research profile in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology sought by companies committed to R&D&I and by prestigious groups of scientific and technological research.


The Interuniversity Doctoral Programme in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology proposed finds its origins in the National School of Molecular Materials which has been developing biennially since 1992. This School has allowed the articulation and consolidation of a scientific community in the area of Nanoscience and Molecular Materials (it has currently constituted as a specialised group in the Royal Spanish Chemistry Society) in Spain. On the other hand, the School has decisively contributed to the training of several young scientifics. Since 2007, this doctoral programme’s training period was structured around the Interuniversity Master’s degree in ‘Nanoscience and Molecular Nanotechnology’, (resolution 5 October 2009) and currently counts with the participation of the Universities of Valencia (coordinator), Alicante, Castilla-La Mancha, Jaume I de Castelló, La Laguna, Autónoma de Madrid and Valladolid. This doctoral programme received, in October 2011, and excellency award by the Ministry of Education. This doctoral programme also received a quality award in the first call since the day the programme was created.


Administrative information: doctorado@uv.es

For academic information contact with: Eugenio.Coronado@uv.es