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Reference Acronym Name Director
GIUV2013-122 MIETIC Educational Research Methods and Information and Comunication Technologies Gonzalo Almerich Cerveró
GIUV2015-246 MOSISCOM Modeling Complex Systems: Personality, Brain and Social Systems Salvador Amigó Borrás
GIUV2017-371 Pers@luD Personality, cognitive-emotional aspects and health Yolanda Andreu Vaillo
GIUV2018-439 ELCIS Reading Literacy, Literary and Linguistic Education, Culture and Society Josep Ballester Roca
GIUV2017-380 i-PsiTecLab i-PsiTecLab: Psychology and Technology Lab Rosa María Baños Rivera
GIUV2021-501 GEOLIT Literary Geographies Alexandre Bataller Català
GIUV2013-140 UIRFIDE Sport performance and physical fitness research group María Cristina Blasco Lafarga
GIUV2020-483 iMUSED Investigating Music Education Ana Maria Botella Nicolas
GIUV2021-497 SMIrg Sport Management and Innovation Research Group Ferrán Calabuig Moreno
GIUV2021-508 COMPLICED Research in management and leadership, professional development and evaluation of educational organizations Maria Amparo Calatayud Salom
GIUV2021-499 MACFS Motivation, physical activity and health Enrique Canton Chirivella
GIUV2021-506 EB-CRIM Evidence-based Criminology: interdisciplinary answers for crime prevention Enrique Carbonell Vaya
GIUV2023-551 SAEM-TIC Research Group for Development of Technologies for Clinical and Health Psychology Diana V. Castilla López
GIUV2016-288 Psicotext Psicotext Raquel Cerdán Otero
GIUV2015-226 PHES Prevention and Health in Exercise and Sport Juan Carlos Colado Sánchez
GIUV2021-504 APPrAd Psychosocial aspects of the addictive process María Teresa Cortes Tomas
GIUV2016-310 AFES Phyisical Activity, Education and Society José Devis Devis
GIUV2023-568 TECDIDMAT Resolució de problemes i tecnologia en Educació Matemàtica Pascual David Diago Nebot
GIUV2021-510 PSY-HEALTH Research group on psychological well-being, mental health and drug dependence María Begoña Espejo Tort
GIUV2013-016 AFIPS Physical Activity and Health Promotion Group Isaac Estevan Torres
GIUV2023-587 ATYPICAL Reading and language development in an atypical population Inmaculada Fajardo Bravo
GIUV2017-365 POLISOC Educational policies, interculturality and society Juan Manuel Fernandez Soria
GIUV2013-048 ADHEME Didactical, historical and epistemological analysis of school mathematics Irene Ferrando Palomares
GIUV2018-427 REME Design and Analysis in Applied Psychology M. Dolores Frías Navarro
GIUV2020-479 Rehapsi Psychosocial rehabilitation and recovery in psychosis and bipolar disorder Inmaculada Fuentes Durá
GIUV2023-542 socializ Socializ Grup d'Investigació José Fernando García Pérez
GIUV2018-418 INSTECH Instructional Technology: Designing effective learning environments Rafael García Ros
GIUV2017-393 I'TOC Research and Treatment of Obsessions and Compulsions Gemma Garcia Soriano
GIUV2013-102 GREAV Research Group in University Pedagogy, Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development Bernardo Gargallo López
GIUV2016-341 SALUSEX Promotion of sexual health in the general population and with functional diversity M.Dolores Gil Llario
GIUV2016-306 HuMAG Human Movement Analysis Group Luis Millán González Moreno
GIUV2013-095 DIDGEOMAC Group for research in geometry education and mathematically gifted students Ángel Gutiérrez Rodríguez
GIUV2016-338 GREDUC Education, Knowledge and Emancipation Vicent Horcas Lopez
GIUV2013-103 CREARI Cultural pedagogies research group Ricard Vicent Huerta Ramon
GIUV2016-290 GemEduco Assessment and Measurement Group: Education for Social Cohesion Jesús Miguel Jornet Meliá
GIUV2021-520 GRECIA Comparative education group Luís Miguel Lázaro Lorente
GIUV2013-093 TRANSICIONS Transitions from education to work in contexts of social vulnerability Fernando Marhuenda Fluixà
GIUV2023-563 GISProsoc Prosocial Synergy Research Group Manuel Martí Vilar
GIUV2017-381 COS Body, movement, music and curricular practices Vladimir Essau Martínez Bello
GIUV2016-320 EnveCoEm Aging: cognition and emotions Juan Carlos Melendez Moral
GIUV2023-588 LISE Literature, Society and Education Xavier Mínguez López
GIUV2020-480 Spine-EDU Spine Health Education Group Manuel Monfort Pañego
GIUV2016-293 EMINA Research group on children and adolescents' emotional education Inmaculada Montoya Castilla
GIUV2019-453 PSDEHESO Psychological development, health and society Esperanza Navarro Pardo
GIUV2019-452 TERRES Educational transitions, resistances, gender relations, exclusion and health Almudena Adelaida Navas Saurin
GIUV2017-359 ARMAQoL Advanced Research Methods Applied to Quality of Life promotion Maria Amparo Oliver Germes
GIUV2017-390 EDi Education and Diversity LGTBIQ+ Rosa Maria Pardo Coy
GIUV2015-217 SOCIAL(S) Research and innovation group on Geography and History Teaching David Parra Monserrat
GIUV2016-316 READit Cognitive neuroscience and reading Manuel Perea Lara
GIUV2019-454 GIBD Sports Biomechanics and Physical Activity Pedro Pérez Soriano
GIUV2021-514 BestAging Psychosocial intervention in aging and care in the life cycle Sacramento Pinazo Hernandis
GIUV2022-526 GITTE Research group of sports technique and tactics Jesus Adrian Ramón-Llin Más
GIUV2019-464 LiTerart Multimodal Education and Multiliteracy through Literature, Art, Foreign Languages and Learning & Knowledge Technologies Agustin Reyes Torres
GIUV2023-593 WHITE-ROSE White Rose Research Center. Social Impact of Education, Feminism, Masculinities and Overcoming Gender-based Violence Esther Roca Campos
GIUV2023-573 ATENLEC Ergonomia cognitiva: atenció i lectura Javier Roca Ruiz
GIUV2013-081 GIEL Research Group in the Teaching of Languages Carmen Rodríguez Gonzalo
GIUV2021-500 TEC-LERN New technologies, learning and neurodevelopmental disorders Eva María Rosa Martínez
GIUV2021-490 INVESLOGO Multidisciplinary Speech Therapy Research Group Vicente Jose Rosell Clari
GIUV2017-344 TMEIC Psychological assessment and intervention in cognition in mental disorder. Juan C. Ruiz Ruiz
GIUV2018-434 GRIFAIN Research Group in Families and Childhood Piedad María Sahuquillo Mateo
GIUV2023-577 LED Digital reading and meta-analytic studies in education Ladislao Salmeron González
GIUV2013-105 CRIE Curriculum, Media Resources and Educational Institutions Ángel San Martín Alonso
GIUV2015-218 TALIS Teaching and acquisition of solidarity and intercultural competences through languages and literature Elia Saneleuterio Temporal
GIUV2013-042 METRAS Measurement, Evaluation, Analysis and Data Processing of Traffic Accidents and Road Safety Jaime Sanmartín Arce
GIUV2016-280 CDC Pedagogical school content knowledge: grounds of the teachers' instructional analysis and action Joan Josep Solaz Portoles
GIUV2013-175 didacies Research group in science education and science teacher training Jordi Antoni Solbes Matarredona
GIUV2018-431 ITEAC Research in Specific Learning Disabilities and Comorbidities (ITEAC) Manuel Soriano Ferrer
GIUV2016-340 IEMC Research on music education and creativity Jesús Tejada Giménez
GIUV2019-455 GIDOP Optimal Development Research Group Maria Paz Viguer Segui
GIUV2018-422 BIDISCO Binge Drinking (alone or in polyconsumption with cannabis): memory and stress response. Concepción Vinader Caerols