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Year 2022-2023

Call for travel grants of the University Master's Degree in Development Aid

DOGV Publication

Official Board


Awards correction

The deadline for submitting applications will be from november 5th, until december 5th, 2022.

Online applications on the online office Universitat de València , addressed to:

In the “General” tab, the data to be completed are:

  • Type of Unit: University and Central Services
  • Body to which it is addressed: International Relations and Cooperation Service
  • Desired procedure: Specific procedures of the unit
  • Select:  Travel grants M.U. Cooperation

The mandatory documentation attached to the application in electronic format:


Year 2021-2022

Call for travel grants of the University Master's Degree in Development Aid for the academic year 2021-2022

DOGV publication


Correction of Awards

The deadline for submitting applications will be from november 17 until december 16, 2021.

Online applications on online office Universitat de València 

In the “General” tab, the data to be completed are:

  • Type of Unit: University and Central Services
  • Body to which it is addressed: International Relations and Cooperation Service
  • Desired procedure: Specific procedures of the unit: Travel grants M.U. Cooperation

In the “Attached files” tab, the documentation listed in base 7 of the call for applications must be provided:

  • Annex II – Application form
  • Copy of the Personal ID Card or Passport
  • Documentary evidence of the bank account showing the account holder and IBAN

Call for travel bags of the University Master's Degree in Development Aid for the academic year 2020-2021

DOGV Publication

This call has been suspended due to the global pandemic.

Deadline for submitting applications is from January 14 until February 13, 2021.


Applications must be submitted through the electronic registration of the Universitat de València at:


In the “General” tab, the data to be completed are:

  • Type of Unit: University and Central Services
  • Body to which it is addressed: International Relations and Cooperation Service
  • Desired procedure: Specific procedures of the unit: Travel grants M.U. Cooperation

In the “Attached files” tab, the documentation listed in base 7 of the call for applications must be provided:

7.1.1. Application form, included as Annex II. The form will detail the internship work plan to be carried out, which must be coordinated with the organisation with which the internship will take place, as well as the approval of the Professor coordinating it.

7.1.2. Copy of the Personal ID Card or Passport

7.1.3. Documentary evidence of the bank account showing the account holder and IBAN

Justification for aid (only for grant recipients):

4.2.        The payment of the aid will be made by bank transfer, after the proof of the trip with the following documentation:

a)  Paid invoice or proof of payment for the transport used and the original tickets (boarding passes)

b)  Final report of the activities carried out (Annex III) with the approval of the professor coordinating the external practices.