UVtransparenciaUniversitat de València Logo del portal

The Agreement aims to establish the reference environment for coordinated action between the parties regarding the dissemination and loan products delivery service offered through the Support Products Bank of the Foundation.

By this, the University is committed, through the Unit for the Integration of People with Disabilities (UPD) to:

  • Providing maximum dissemination and promotion among disabled members of their university community, present and future, of the Support Products Bank.
  • Advising people with disabilities of their university community, about the products that best adapt to their needs.
  • Managing requests made by people interested in. To this end, the University is obliged to arrange an internal processing and management protocol of loan of support products under this agreement, which will be released to the applicants thereof.
  • Receiving the resource to the closing date of the loan, remembering the borrower the due date of delivery thereof one week in advance.

For its part, the Universia Foundation is committed to:

  • Keeping the information on the Support Products Bank, both resource constituents as those that are always available at the website.
  • Acquiring, if applicable, technical support products. In the event that a university may demand a support product which is not in the Support Products Bank, the Foundation will examine the possibility of acquire it in terms of its cost, usefulness to the collective and benefit expected.
  • Once the request submitted with the approval of the University, this will send the requested resource as soon as possible, whenever it was available.