Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Reference at a national and international level:

  • The Faculty of Economics in the 2019 indicator of academic excellence of Shangai, is located in the first position in the state level in matter of Economic and Business Affairs
  • The Faculty of Economics has the best professors in economics and business at a national level according to the H-Index Scholar and RePEC rankings
  • Award for University Management for the Faculty of Economics                                                  

The Faculty within the Universitat de València:

  • The Valencian Faculty with the most students:
    • 6.124 in Undergraduate Degree Studies, Diplomaturas and Licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate  degree).
    • 731 in Official Master’s Degree and Doctoral Studies
  • It is the Faculty with the biggest offer of undergraduate degrees and postgraduate degrees in Economy and Business Affairs
    • 6 Official Degrees, 2 Double Degrees, 3 International Joint Degrees (a destination in GADE; a destination in GECO and seven destinations in GIB), 16 Official Master’s Degrees and 8 Doctorate Programmes..

The Faculty cares about your academic, professional and personal training:

  • We were the first ones in the Community to teach in English
  • We are the only Faculty with two ARA (High Academic Performance) Groups
  • First Centre in Spain in teaching the Degree in International Business (GIB)
  • The Valencian centre with the highest admission mark in a Double Degree
  • It has the biggest library for studies in Economy and Business Affairs of the Valencian Community
  • The best sport facilities to complete your personal development

Internationalisation of the Faculty:

  • We are the centre with the biggest reception and sending of Erasmus students
    • 595 coming from other universities all over the globe and over 435 students of the UV in international mobility programmes
  • Interchange agreements with over 160 European and American universities
  • 3 International Double Degrees in Universities all over the world

The Faculty and the relationship with enterprises and institutions:

  • 1.616 trainees 
  • Agreements with over 700 enterprises and institutions, among them the most important at a national and international level
  • The Faculty of Economics has an Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum where enterprises that demand professional profiles related to the studies taught by the Centre.
  • The 84,97% of students found jobs before finishing their studies or 6 months after finishing them
  • The graduates of the Faculty of Economics work in places related to the degree: In their first job the 80,6% of the graduates of the Faculty have jobs related to their degree