Universitat de ValènciaCSICInstitute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2sysbio) Logo del portal

  • Marquez-Molins J, Juarez-Gonzalez VT, Gomez G, Pallas V, Martinez G. (2022). Occurrence of RNA post-transcriptional modifications in plant viruses and viroids and their correlation with structural and functional features. Virus Res. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2022.198958.
  • Marquez-Molins J., Hernandez-Azurdia A.G., Urrutia-Perez M., Pallas V. and Gomez G. (2022). A circular RNA vector for targeted plant gene silencing based on an asymptomatic viroid. The Plant Journal doi: 10.1111/tpj.15929.
  • Gómez G., Marquez-Molins J., Martinez G. and Pallas V. (2022) Plant epigenome alterations: an emergent player in viroid-host interactions. Virus Res. 318:198844. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2022.198844.
  • Marqués MC., Sánchez-Vicente J., Ruiz R., Montagud-Martínez R., Márquez-Costa R., Gómez G., Carbonell A., Daròs JA. and Rodrigo G. (2022) Diagnostics of Infections Produced by the Plant Viruses TMV, TEV, and PVX with CRISPR-Cas12 and CRISPR-Cas13. ACS Synth Biol. doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.2c00090.
  • Villalba-Bermell P., Marquez-Molins J., Marques MC., Corell-Sierra J., Hernandez-Azurdia AG., Pico B., Monforte AJ., Elena SF., Gomez G. (2021) Combined stress conditions in melon induce non-additive effects in the core miRNA regulatory network. Front. Plant Sci. 12:769093.   DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.769093
  • Marquez-Molins J, Navarro JA, Seco LC, Pallas V, Gomez G. (2021) Might exogenous circular RNAs act as protein-coding transcripts in plants? RNA Biol. 14:1-10.  DOI: 10.1080/15476286.2021.1962670
  • Vázquez-Prol F, Márquez-Molins J, López-Gresa MP, Bellés JM, Gomez G, Pallás V, Lisón P. (2021) Symptom Severity, Infection Progression and Plant Responses in Solanum Plants Caused by Three Pospiviroids… Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22: 6189. DOI: 10.3390/ijms22126189
  • Marquez-Molins, J., Gomez G., Pallas V. (2020) Hop stunt viroid: a polyphagous pathogenic RNA that has shed light on viroid-host interactions. Mol. Plant. Pathology. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.13022
  • Corrêa, R., … Gomez G., Baulcombe, D. & Elena, SF. (2020) Viral fitness determines magnitude of transcriptomic and epigenomic reprograming… Mol. Biol. Evo. 37: 1866-81. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msaa091
  • Sanz-Carbonell A., Marques, MC., Martinez, G. & Gomez, G. (2020) Dynamic architecture and implications of the miRNA network underlying the response to stress… RNA Biology 2: 292-308. DOI: 10.1080/15476286.2019.1697487
  • Marquez-Molins, J., Navarro, J.A., Pallas, V. and Gomez, G. (2019) Highly efficient construction of infectious viroid‐derived clones. Plant Methods 15: 87 (DOI: 10.1186/s13007-019-0470-4)
  • Cervera, L., Marques, M., Sanz-Carbonell, A., Marquez-Molins, J., Carbonell, A., Daros, JA. and Gomez, G. (2019) Identification and characterization of a stress-responsive TAS3-derived tasiRNAs in melon. Plant and Cell Physiology 60: 2382-2393. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcz131.
  • Sanz Carbonell, A., Marques, MC., Bustamante, A., Fares, MA., Rodrigo, G. and Gomez, G. (2019). Inferring the miRNA-mediated regulatory network of response to stress in melon. BMC Plant Biology 19:78.
  • Bustamante, A., Marques, MC., Sanz Carbonell, A. and G. Gomez. (2018). Alternative processing of its precursor is related to miR319 decreasing in plants exposed to cold. Scientific Reports 8(1): 15538.
  • Owens, RA., Gómez, G., Lisón, P., Conejero, V. (2017) Changes in the host proteome and transcriptome induced by viroid infection. In Viroids and Plant-virus Satellites – Hadidi, Randles, Flores, and Palukaitis (Ed), Elsevier. 105-112.
  • Castellano M., Martinez G., Marques MC., Moreno J., Köhler C., Pallas V. & Gomez G. (2016). Changes in the DNA methylation of the host male gametophyte of viroid-infected cucumber. Jounal of Experimental Botany 67: 5857-5868.
  • Castellano, M.; Pallás, V. and Gómez, G. (2016). A pathogenic long noncoding RNA redesigns the epigenetic landscape of infected cells by subverting host Histone Deacetylase 6 activity. New Phytologist 211: 1311-1322.
  • Castellano M, Martinez G, Pallas V and Gomez G. (2015). Alterations in host-DNA methylation in response to expression of HSVd in N. benthamiana. Plant Pathology 64: 1247-1257.
  • Martinez G, Castellano M, Tortosa M, Pallas V and Gomez G. (2014). A pathogenic ncRNA induces changes in dynamic DNA methylation of rRNA genes in host plants. Nucleic Acids Research 42: 1553-1562.