UVjobGeneral FoundationUniversitat de València Logo del portal

BGB dentistry.
Infocupa't: webinar of the company BGB dentistry. Dentists in the Netherlands.

In this webinar, as part of UVjob's Infocupa't programme, Arjen Versteeg, from the Dutch dental company BGB destistry, will talk about the shortage of dentists in his country, the reasons for considering a career there, dentistry in the Netherlands, and why it might be interesting for dentists in Spain, the language test, the origin and offer of BGB dentistry, and the requirements to access it.

The Infocupa't programme is designed to plan meetings between students/graduates and companies to find out about current job offers in real time.


Date 17 july 2020 at 10:00 to 12:00. Friday.



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Contact uvocupacio@uv.es

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