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Valoritza i Transfereix 2019
Call 'Valoritza i Transfereix 2019'

The Office of the Vice-principal for Innovation and Tranference of the Universitat de València has published the Valoritza i Transfereix 2019 Call (Resolution of October 7, 2019 of the Rector's Office) with the purpose of improving the opportunities for exploitation of the research results generated at the University of Valencia, promoting the development and maturation of these results, and facilitate its transfer to the socioeconomic environment.

The purpose of this call is the granting of aid for the realization of proof of concept projects. The proof of concept projects are projects of validation of the commercial interest of research results through the development of prototypes, demonstrators, real-scale tests or other types of actions that serve to verify the viability of the application of these results. Therefore, Valoritza i Transfereix is not a call for fundamental research projects.

The beneficiaries will be any member of the teaching and research staff belonging to the Universitat de València, as well as the research staff hired within the framework of public calls for the incorporation of doctors or the Special Program for Stabilization of Reincorporated Investigators of the UV, with the category of doctor and with full time dedication.

Eligible costs may include contracted personnel, fungible material and small equipment, travel and diets, contracting of R&D and technological services and contracting of other services that are linked to the development of the project.

Depending on the type of research result and its technical area, projects may receive maximum support from:

  • Projects to validate research results, protected or protectable by industrial property rights. The maximum grant is between 40.000 and 60.000€.
  • Projects to validate research results, protected or protectable by intellectual property rights. The maximum grant is 20.000€.


For more information and prior to the presentation of any project, we recommend that you contact the Innovation Section: Valorization and Entrepreneurship of the

Research and Innovation Service From the “Sección de Innovación: Valorización y Emprendimiento” (Innovation Section: Valorization and Entrepreneurship) a technician will be assigned to guide the preparation of the application.

Deadline to submit applications: from the 2nd of October to the 8th of December 2019

More information: http://www.uv.es/uvweb/servei-investigacio/ca/financament/programa-ajudes-investigacio-uv/valoritza-transfereix-1285928501919.html

E-mail: patentes.otri@uv.es


ScheduleFrom 8 october 2019 to 8 november 2019. Monday at 00:01 to 14:00.


Research and Innovation Service

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Contact patentes.otri@uv.es

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