Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Chemistry Logo del portal

  • Respecting and making the best use of the spaces, equipment and facilities to maintain an appropriate environment.
  • Behaving well with the staff of the office of the secretary.
  • Accessing the services provided by the office of the secretary within the opening hours.
  • Identifying with an ID or document that officially proves that the person is a student of the centre, if the staff of the office of the secretary requires it.
  • Knowing and meeting the provisions governing the different services offered by the Office of the Secretary.
  • Meeting the Statutes established by the Universitat de València, the regulations that form them and the agreements and resolutions of the governing bodies.
  • Reading the notifications sent by the office of the secretary to the UV personal account (@alumni.uv.es), (@uv.es).
  • Handing over the documentation necessary to carry out the procedures within the established period.
  • Looking after your own belongings. The Office of the Secretary is not responsible of any loss or robbery.
  • Any other duty arising from the current regulations.