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Reference Acronym Name Director
GIUV2023-550 ENDOFADICC Neurobehavioural mechanisms and endophenotypes of addictive behaviour M. Asunción Aguilar Calpe
GIUV2021-489 GIPO Research group in Prosthodontics and Occlusion Ruben Agustin Panadero
GIUV2014-193 FTR Physiotherapy Technology and Recovering Yasser Alakhdar Mohmara
GIUV2017-383 GRELCA Cardiac Electrophysiology group Antonio M. Alberola Aguilar
GIUV2013-169 OPiCOBE Preventive, Community and Evidence Based Dentistry José Manuel Almerich Silla
GIUV2017-373 DATS Development and Advising in Traffic Safety Francisco M. Alonso Pla
GIUV2021-507 OralCancer Precancer and oral cancer research group José Vicente Bagan Sebastian
GIUV2023-590 VALSME VALencia Salut Mental i Estigma Vicente Balanza Martínez
GIUV2021-494 ALISOST Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Food Francisco José Barba Orellana
GIUV2013-067 BIONUTEST Study on stability, bioavailability and biological effects of components of the food and nutritional evaluation Reyes Barbera Sáez
GIUV2016-294 BMPV Molecular Biology of Parasites and Vectors M Dolores Bargues Castello
GIUV2016-339 PT_AGE Physiotherapy in the Ageing Process, Social and Health Care Strategies Jose Maria Blasco Igual
GIUV2018-420 GESADA Group of study of the anatomical substrate of pain and analgesia Arantxa Blasco Serra
GIUV2018-405 OncoMol Molecular Oncology Carlos Camps Herrero
GIUV2016-281 CARMEN Healthy ageing in women Antonio Cano Sánchez
GIUV2015-253 TERAMOL Molecular therapies research group Julián Carretero Asunción
GIUV2017-389 EXINH Exercise intervention for health José Casaña Granell
GIUV2017-398 FROG Frailty and cognitive impairment Omar Cauli
GIUV2016-291 InDeST Research group Innovative diagnostic and therapeutical Developments in Solid Tumors Andrés Manuel R. Cervantes Ruiperez
GIUV2017-358 GIFIME Research group in medical physics Rosa María Cibrian Ortiz de Anda
GIUV2017-376 EPIGEM Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Maria Dolores Corella Piquer
GIUV2019-450 FAREPI Respiratory system Pharmacology and the Skin. Julio Cortijo Gimeno
GIUV2020-475 JAT Gambling and Technological Addictions Mariano Jesus Choliz Montañes
GIUV2018-426 FarCardVas Cardiovascular Pharmacology María Pilar D'Ocon Navaza
GIUV2015-249 ERR Rare Respiratory Diseases Research Group Francisco José Dasi Fernández
GIUV2013-152 UOCEM Celular and Molecular Ophthalmobiology Unit Manuel José Díaz Llopis
GIUV2013-159 GIESA Research Group on Epidemiology and Environmental Health Ana Esplugues Cebrián
GIUV2014-200 UFDI Digestive and Inflammatory Diseases Research Unit Juan Vicente Esplugues Mota
GIUV2013-154 GIPTD Dental pathology and therapeutics research group Leopoldo Forner Navarro
GIUV2014-195 NUTRALIMENT Nutrition and Food Science Ana María Frígola Canoves
GIUV2016-299 ParaSalut Parasites and Health María Teresa Galan Puchades
GIUV2023-569 GAITP Ankle And Foot Reserach advances Group Carmen García Gomáriz
GIUV2021-523 GIBROG Research Group in Biomarkers in Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics Juan Gilabert Estelles
GIUV2023-575 COEBIS Communication, emotions, well-being and occupational health Maria Del Carmen Gimenez Espert
GIUV2016-307 NEURESTRES Neuropsychology of stress and cognitive and affective processes Esperanza González Bono
GIUV2021-495 IRGRACV Innovation and investigation group in robotic and advanced surgery of Valencian Community Ricardo Guijarro Jorge
GIUV2021-519 TerGenOMIC Gene Therapy and Pharmacogenomics María José Herrero Cervera
GIUV2023-566 DOREAL Neurobiologia i tractament del dolor, estats afectius negatius i recaiguda en l'adicció Lucía Teresa Hipólito Cubedo
GIUV2022-535 CLIDET Clinimetry and technological development in therapeutic exercise Rodrigo Martin De San Agustín
GIUV2021-518 DIACOM Diabetes and associated complications Sergio Martinez Hervas
GIUV2019-456 GRIECE Nursing care and education research group Antonio Martinez Sabater
GIUV2017-372 gHIT Histopathology and Tissue Engineering Research Group Manuel Mata Roig
GIUV2022-530 BiotechLab Laboratori de Biotecnologies Agroalimentàries Giuseppe Meca
GIUV2013-082 DRUGBIOP Drug Bioavailability Optimization Group Ana Melero Zaera
GIUV2013-025 EVALUAMECO Formulation, technologycal assessment and pharmacokinetic evaluation of drugs and cosmetics Matilde Merino Sanjuan
GIUV2013-065 INVESDROGA Psychobiology of Drug Dependence José Miñarro López
GIUV2016-287 UMIC Joint Unit for Cerebrovascular Research, La Fe Health Research Institute - University of Valencia Francisco Javier Miranda Alonso
GIUV2013-005 COAL Contamination of Food Juan Carlos Moltó Cortés
GIUV2018-435 METABOMARK Research Group on Metabolic Biomarkers Daniel Monleón Salvado
GIUV2013-024 GINFAR Pharmacology of Inflammation María Carmen Montesinos Mezquita
GIUV2020-484 LONI Laboratory of neurological impairment Maria del Carmen Montoliu Felix
GIUV2013-069 Facthum Human factor and road safety research group Luis Montoro González
GIUV2021-521 ESNFSP Social and Nutritional Epidemiology, Pharmacoepidemiology and Public Health María Manuela Morales Suarez-Varela
GIUV2015-231 NEUROSOC Social Neuroscience Luis Moya Albiol
GIUV2016-286 ResPediaTu Translational Research Group on Pediatric Solid Tumors Rosa Noguera Salvá
GIUV2013-009 LINCE Research Lab on Endothelial Cell Susana Novella del Campo
GIUV2023-548 UFC Cell Pathophysiology Unit M. Elena Obrador Pla
GIUV2016-301 CIR-INVEST Research Group on General and Digestive Surgery Joaquín Ortega Serrano
GIUV2018-416 FIPTEO Research group on Physiopathology, prevention and treatment of eye diseases Ángel Luis Ortega Valero
GIUV2015-258 COPOS Research group on cellular and organic Physiopathology of oxidative stress and rare diseases Federico Vicente Pallardó Calatayud
GIUV2013-010 VALORTO-INVES Orthodontics Research Group Vanessa Maria de Paredes Gallardo
GIUV2014-206 INVTEA Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Inma Fernández Research group. Gemma Pastor Cerezuela
GIUV2016-335 MIR Reproductive Medicine Antonio Pellicer Martínez
GIUV2015-243 CIRUBUCA Research Group in Oral Surgery, Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation María Peñarrocha Diago
GIUV2018-430 PTinMOTION Physiotherapy in Motion. Multispeciality Research Group Sofía Pérez Alenda
GIUV2013-141 LMN Research group in LADMER, microparticles and nanoparticles of drugs José Esteban Peris Ribera
GIUV2013-003 SAMA Food and Enviromental Safety Yolanda Picó García
GIUV2023-582 GISAM Research Unit in Gynecological Cancer, sarcomas and other tumors in women. Begoña Pineda Merlo
GIUV2015-237 NEUROPHARAD Addiction neuropharmacology Ana Polache Vengut
GIUV2018-424 AGREFA Aggression and Family Gemma Pons Salvador
GIUV2013-179 ENVEST Aging, mental health and new technologies Rosa Redolat Iborra
GIUV2016-337 MINERVA Male infertility and embryo viability Jose Alejandro Remohi Gimenez
GIUV2021-513 RiskTox Alternative methods for determining toxic effects and risk assessment of contaminants and mixtures María José Ruiz Leal
GIUV2015-215 LabNSC Laboratory of social cognitive neuroscience Otilia Alicia Salvador Fernández-Montejo
GIUV2015-236 EVAIN Assessment and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence: Psychosocio-educational and emotional variables involved in prosocial behavior Paula Samper García
GIUV2013-174 SNC Central Nervous System Tumours Research Group Teresa Consuelo San Miguel Diez
GIUV2023-584 GIACAL Research Group on the Clinical Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System Daniel Sánchez Zuriaga
GIUV2018-421 GIAVAL Valencia Anatomy Research Group Juan Alberto Sanchís Gimeno
GIUV2018-413 INMUNOFARM Vascular Immunopharmacology María Jesús Sanz Ferrando
GIUV2017-350 Gastro Group of Experimental Gastroenterology Juan Jose Sastre Belloch
GIUV2023-557 MODULAHR Research group in the modulation of the AhR pathway Eva Serna García
GIUV2016-314 UBIC Research unit in Clinical biomechanics María Pilar Serra Añó
GIUV2020-478 BACNeuLab Laboratory of Behavioral, affective and cognitive neuroscience Miguel Angel Serrano Rosa
GIUV2016-319 Medreprod Research Group in Reproductive Medicine Carlos Antonio Simon Valles
GIUV2015-212 FoodHealth Food&Health Living-Lab - Food&HealthLabLL José Miguel Soriano del Castillo
GIUV2016-312 GIEX-TMAP Ideaspsychiatry Excellence Research Group Rafael Tabares Seisdedos
GIUV2016-292 IMPARCLI Immunoparasitology and Clinical Parasitology Rafael Toledo Navarro
GIUV2020-481 BioCelPARK Intracellular Traffic in Parkinson´s Disease Mónica Tomas Caballero
GIUV2019-462 QOVAL Quantum optics, nonlinear optics and laser physics German Jose De Valcarcel Gonzalvo
GIUV2021-509 PP&V Phenotyping parasites and vectors-PP&V María Adela Valero Aleixandre
GIUV2023-583 GIAQA Applied Surgical Anatomy Research Group Alfonso Amador Valverde Navarro
GIUV2023-560 FINEUROL Neurogenesis and Neurogeneration Physiology Lilian Soraya Valles Marti
GIUV2018-429 InVas Vascular Physiology Research Group José María Vila Salinas
GIUV2013-181 FRESHAGE Age and Exercise Research Group José Viña Ribes