Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Estudiantes de 1er curso. Entrega de documentación
1st year students. Submission of enrolment documents

The submission of documentation for new students will be made by sending an email from the Universitat de València's email account, which you will have obtained at the Self-Enrolment (____@alumni.uv.es), to the following email address doceconomia@uv.es  

Documentation sent from other non-institutional mail will not be accepted.

For a better reception and organisation, you should send the documentation by email on the day and time assigned to you by the Faculty. You can consult the shipping instructions and the alphabetical list at the following link https://www.uv.es/uvweb/economy/en/undergraduate-degree-studies/enrolment/enrolment-instructions/documentation-1285848978245.html


Date From 1 september 2020 to 18 september 2020. 24h. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday.


By sending email with enrolment documents to doceconomia@uv.es

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Faculty of Economics - Universitat de València..


Contact secretariafde@uv.es

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