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Call for the 2021 5UCV STARTUP awards

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Services announces the 5UCV STARTUP awards within the context of the Innovative Entrepreneurship Campus agreement; 20.000 € are split in two categories: three 9.000 €, 5.000 € and 3.000 € prizes for the STARTUP category and three 1.000 € prizes for the JUNIOR category.


The Valencian Department for Sustainable Economy, Trade and Work subsidising these prizes launched the Llamp brand to boost a type of entrepreneurship based on social & technological innovation and sustainable development goals.

The STARTUP category and the three prizes are open to microenterprises or SMEs of three years maximum located in the Valencian Community.

Participation in the JUNIOR category can be individual or collective. The three prizes are open to entrepreneurial people or groups with a business project that has not yet been established as a company.

In both categories, at least one of the company or entrepreneurial project founders has to be a student or a degree holder of the Universitat de València.

Categories and prizes:


-First prize: 9.000 €

-Second prize: 5.000 €

-Third prize: 3.000 €


-Three prizes of 1.000 € each.

The prize adjudication process consists of two different stages:

In the first one, the Universitat de València will select the three best triple-impact proposals with the most entrepreneurial potential in each of the two categories, assessing their innovative character, their positive economic, social and environmental impact, their technical viability and the experience of the team or promotor of the project or company, among other criteria.

The proposals selected by the Universitat de València will compete in a second stage with all the entries from the five public Valencian universities, and participants will have to carry out a public presentation of their project and entrepreneurial activity by following the “Elevator Pitch” format before a Selection Committee of the Valencian Government.

Prizes will be given or made public in an official ceremony.

The request submission deadline is September 17th 2021.


Date From 26 july 2021 to 17 september 2021. 24h. Every day.


Universitat de València

Organized by

Entrepreneurship Unit (UVemprén).


Contact uvempren@uv.es

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