Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Eurostat Workshop "Conocimiento y uso de estadísticas europeas" (Knowledge and Use of European Statistics)

The purpose of this seminar is to know in detail the European statistics offered by Eurostat (Office of Statistics of the European Union) and how to make use of them by locating and downloading data. The course is aimed at all those interested in knowing and using the statistics of the European Union or other European countries.  Especially aimed at university students as well as professionals who need to use European statistics (journalists, research and study bureaus, etc.). No previous knowledge is required Duration: 4 hours

Professor: Germán Molina. Degree in Business Economics, Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) and Master’s Degree in Graphic Design Communication. He is currently the Director of Dataly, a study specializing in the design of information and the visualization of data. He is the author of Eudata. Infographic Atlas of Europe. He has been Managing Director of the Valencian Institute of Economic Research (Ivie).




Date 12 december 2019 at 10:00 to 14:00. Thursday.


Salón de Grados. Faculty of Economics

Organized by

European Documentation Centre of the Universitat de València.


Contact cde@uv.es