Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

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Mesval Dialogues: “Economía del turismo deportivo” (Economics of sports tourism)

The MESVAL Chair aims to promote, develop and intensify the relations between the Universitat de València and the City Council of Valencia for the surveillance and transformation of the economic model within the framework of the city, considering the diversity of its economic and social agents and under the prism of governance, innovation, sustainability -economic, social and environmental-, competitiveness, human well-being and globalization.

In addition, the MESVAL Chair aims to be a platform for dialogue between the city and its economic, social, cultural and technological environment from an interdisciplinary approach. In this sense, this Chair seeks to become a strategic agent of the city in the joint reflection of ways of thinking and building an economic model of city development.




Date 11 december 2019 at 10:30 to 12:15. Wednesday.


Sánchez Ayuso Room

Organized by

Chair for a Sustainable Economic Model of Valencia and its Environment (MESVAL).


Contact catedramesval@uv.es