Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

La Nau dels Estudiants - septiembre 2019
Open Registration to the courses of La Nau for Students - 19 September

La Nau for Students is a proposal of the Information and Promotion Service (SeDi). The courses are intended for new students as well as for those university students who want to improve their competences and redirect their learning strategies. The objective of these training activities is providing resources and practical knowledge for the academic life.

The courses have a duration of 20 or 10 hours. They will take place at Burjassot and Tarongers Campus from 2 to 5 September 2019.

The registration of the courses of La Nau for Students will remain open until 28 August.

List of courses:

• Writing techniques (Spanish)

• Planning and time management

• How to improve study techniques?

• Stress control techniques

• Speaking techniques and strategies in academic and professional environments (Spanish)

• Skills for presenting works in public

• Creating and writing a project

• Time management Databases:

• Taking advantage of calculation sheets

• Basic tools for presentations with computers

• Keys for conducting academic works

10-hour courses are worth 0, 5 ECTS and 20-hour courses are worth 1 ECTS.

Information and registration in the website of Sedi: www.uv.es/sedi

More information: nauest@uv.es

Personal attention in the offices of SeDi in all three campuses on working days from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 963 82 85 03


Date From 3 july 2019 to 28 august 2019. 24h. Every day.


Campus de Burjassot i dels Tarongers

Organized by

Servei d'Informació i Dinamització (Sedi).



Contact nauest@uv.es

More information