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Fachada CM Rector Peset
Prinicpal Peset Hall of Residence. Call for Admission and Grants.

From 20 July to 5 August, the period for applying for admission to the Prinicpal Peset Hall of Residence of the Universitat de València will be opened. This call from the Vice-Principal's Office for Culture and Sports is aimed at undergraduate, master's and doctoral students from the Universitat de València, as well as students from other universities and higher education centres, in accordance with the terms of the call.

Likewise, and starting from the day after the publication to the DOGV, the applications for the residence scholarships in any of their modalities can be submitted, students from the European Union or from developing countries the term for these calls ends at 14 hours on August 5th, 2020. The distribution of the grants is as follows:  

Residence grants for students from the European Union, for the 2020/2021 academic year, called by the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Programmes of the Universitat de València, with the following distribution by centre:

  • twenty scholarships for students at the Prinicpal Peset Hall of Residence and
  • eight scholarships for students at the Damià Bonet Residence Hall.

Residence grants for students from developing countries, for the 2020/2021 academic year, organised by the Vice-Principal for Internationalisation and Cooperation of the Universitat de València, with the following distribution by centre:

  • five scholarships for the Prinicpal Peset Hall of Residence and
  • two grants for the Damià Bonet Residence Hall.


ScheduleFrom 14 july 2020 to 5 august 2020. Every day at 00:00 to 14:00.


Prinicpal Peset Hall of Residence

Organized by

Prinicpal Peset Hall of Residence.



Contact cmrpeset@uv.es

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