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Registration is now open for the 2nd Edition of Llíria’s Autumn University

The programme “Universitats Estacionals” strikes back this academic year 2019-2020. Sagunto, Buñol, Alaquàs, Llíria, Enguera and Ontinyent are just some of the locations where they will take place in the near future, and as they have been doing in recent years, the different days that this event is celebrated. These are venues that, in some cases like Ontinyent, have already reached their ninth edition.

16 and 17 October 2019 (Municipal Conservatory)

LLÍRIA, CITY OF MUSIC. History and education

Under the title “Llíria, city of music. History and education”, the Universitat de València presents the second edition of the Llíria’s Autumn University, the result of close collaboration between the Universitat de València and the Llíria Town Hall, with funding from the Provincial Council of València.

In a year in which Llíria has opted to join UNESCO's Creative Cities Network in the music category, the Autumn University tackles with music’s history in the locality and its educational aspect. That is why it will have the participation of lecturers from the Universitat de València, as well as musicologists, teachers, professors and local historians who will provide the keys to understand Llíria's close relationship with musical art. This initiative, free and open to all, will take place over two afternoons.

The transfer of knowledge, in addition to teaching and research, is a fundamental pillar of any university institution. For this reason, the Universitat de València is once again faithful to the territory and local Valencian society and runs this Autumn University, which aims to consolidate itself in Llíria and the Campo de Túria as a meeting point for specialists from different fields with local citizens and their nearby surroundings.


ScheduleFrom 30 september 2019 to 16 october 2019. Every day at 00:00 to 23:00.


Conservatorio Municipal (Calle del Trancall, 4)

Organized by

Vicerrectorado de Proyección Territorial y Sociedad (UV)

Diputación de Valencia

Ayuntamiento de Llíria.



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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