Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

June 1, 2021 II Award ‘International Mobility FdE#ORIFdE2021’

Objectives: Encourage and stimulate initiative and creativity among young people, rewarding the best photographs that show the ‘EUROPEAN FEELING’ during an university mobility (Erasmus Program or International Program).
Characteristics: The contest will consist of taking a photo addressing the topic that the contest poses.

  • Photographs must be taken by students of the Faculty of Economics, both ‘outgoing’ and “incoming’, who are carrying out or have carried out their international experience during the 2020-2021 academic year.
  • Publish the photograph with hashtag #ORIFdE2021 of the Faculty of Economics, and type a brief title to identify the photograph

Rules: Check the rules for the II International Mobility contest 
Deadline: until April 30, 2021 at 2:00 pm
Contact: int-of.economia@uv.es
Award Resolution: Resolution Photography competition #ORIFdE2021
Organized by: International Relations Office of the Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia.
Award amount: The award consists of a first prize of 150 euros, a second prize of 100 euros, a third prize of 75 euros, and two consolation prizes of 50 euros

Photo gallery
Award-winning photographs