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Erasmus Week

The Faculty of Economics, in its line of internationalization of economics and business studies, hosts the XV Valencia Erasmus Week, which will be held from the 4th to the 8th of March 2019.

The process of internationalization of economics and business studies at the University of Valencia has led to an increase in actions to encourage the exchange of students, technical staff of administration and lecturers at European level.

The Faculty of Economics, responsible for these studies, has developed a pioneering project focused on the exchange of international experiences that inform the students of our Faculty, the European leader in mobility of outgoing and incoming students, about the various universities to which they will probably move within the Erasmus Program. So, during this week, the Faculty will not only have the presence of visiting professors from 25 European universities participating in the teaching exchanges contemplated in the Erasmus Teaching Mobility program, but also with the presence of technical administration staff, related to international mobility, from 30 European universities participating in the Erasmus Training Mobility program.

The opening session will be held on Monday, March 4 at 1:00 pm in the Degrees Hall of the Faculty of Economics and will be attended by the Dean José Manuel Pastor, the Associate Dean of International Relations Asunción Hernández and Catalina Cabrera, the manager of the Faculty.

In addition to the training and teaching sessions, in this edition there will be two sessions for outgoing and incoming students. The first session will present the tools that the Faculty of Economics provides its students to find internships abroad, as well as strategies for job search abroad. The second session will particpate with the European association ESN (Erasmus Student Network), which provides information and help to incoming students to facilitate their integration into university life.

These activities are a increase to the internationalisation policy of the Faculty, which since the early 1990s has offered mobility programs (international program and Erasmus +), in addition to the International Double Degree programs. We currently have 12 international double degree agreements, with both European and North American universities, for Business Administration and Management (ADE), International Business (GIB) and Economics (ECO).