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How will learning be in the second semester in the Faculty of Economics?

We are now entering the final stretch of the first semester and it is time to talk about our plans moving forward. The first semester’s timetable was modified before last summer with an objective in mind: to ensure the maximum amount of physical learning without compromising the safety of our students. However, the current learning structure which allowed us to offer all practical classes face-to-face, while leaving online classes for one day only, was not programmed for the second semester. This was in part due to our misplaced optimism with respect to the evolution of the pandemic.

As a result, and taking into account the constant uncertainty in which we live in, we have designed a learning model for the second semester that is both in accordance with current health requirements, while keeping true to our own academic standards.

We find ourselves in a situation in which we want to keep the usual timetables in extremely unusual times. The only possible solution that will guarantee an adequate capacity for our classes is to follow a Blended Learning scheme with rotating turns.

Students with their last name starting with A-L will physically attend for one week, while those in the M-Z group will receive their learning online. The following week the situation is reversed, those in the A-L group will follow their classes online and those in the M-Z will attend physically.

This rotation allows us to:

  • Minimize risk and exposure by reducing the total amount of students present at our campus at any given time and running our classes at a lower capacity.
  • Guarantee face-to-face learning, at least partially, to ensure personal interaction between professors and students. We have learned that, even if online classes still provide an avenue for learning, we still place great value on human contact and the increased learning capabilities physical classes can offer.
  • Enjoy an increased adaptability to any scenario. If the opportunity for greater face-to-face learning arises, we can return to our previous learning model. On the contrary, if the situation takes a turn to the worse, we will have the ability to respond by shifting to a fully online learning model.

There are three exceptions to this rule, all of them applying to groups which already have started with a low number of students. These are the following: Double Degree in Business and Law, Degree in Intelligence and Business Analytics and all Postgraduate programmes.

The specific turns are detailed in the academic calendar available in our webpage, at https://ir.uv.es/estudia/horarios2sem.

We appreciate the exemplary behaviour of our students and staff during this stressful year. Only through our shared commitment it is possible to reduce risk and keep our Faculty open.