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Open pre-enrolment in OFFICIAL MASTER’S DEGREES of the Faculty of Economics Academic Year 2020-2021

  • June 10th, 2020
Oberta la preinscripció als Màsters Oficials de la Facultat d’Economia

From February 1 to June 17, the first phase for pre-enrolment in the official master's degrees of the University of Valencia will remain open. Pre-enrolment is the admission process through which application forms are ordered and places offered are allocated.

More information: https://bit.ly/2SIi0QP

Currently, with 16 official master's degrees, the Facultat d'Economia has the largest postgraduate academic offer in the areas of Economics and Business of the Valencian Community. This complete offer allows to acquire advanced and specialized training oriented towards the development of a professional activity, or to promote the initiation in research tasks and access to a doctoral program.


  • Accounting, Auditing and Management Control
  • Actuarial and Financial Sciences
  • Banking and Quantitative Finance
  • Business Administration (MBA)
  • Business Process Planning and Management
  • Business Strategy
  • Corporate Finance
  • Economic Internationalization: International Trade Management
  • Economic Policy and Public Economics
  • Economics
  • International Master of Business Administration (iMBA)
  • Marketing and Market Research
  • Quality Management
  • Social Economy, Cooperatives and non-profit Organizations
  • Start-up and Management of Innovative Companies
  • Tourism Management and Planning