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Basic IRT model estimation using R TAM (Prof. Johannes Naumann)

  • 15 mayo de 2023
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Basic IRT model estimation using R TAM (Prof. Johannes Naumann)

Teacher: Johannes Naumann, University of Wuppertal (Alemania).

Visiting researcher at the University of Valencia

Organizers: ERI Lectura and Doctoral Programme in "Reading and Comprehension (University of Valencia). Attendance will be recognised as a "Specific Activity" by the Doctoral Programme in "Reading and Comprehension". 

Date: May 15th (2023)

Time: 9:30 to a 13:30h.

Format: Presential

Location: Room 204, Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Facultat de Psicologia i Logopèdia

Language: English



Audience: PhD students new to IRT, with basic knowledge in regression


This workshop introduces basic IRT models (1, 2, and 3 parameter logistic models), and their estimation using the R environment with the package TAM. The workshop will cover the idea of item response theory, basics of item and person parameter estimation and interpretation, evaluating model and item fit, and linking scales with only partial overlap in items.

For hands-on exercises participants should bring a laptop with R and RStudio installed.

Register:  https://encuestas.uv.es/index.php/862441?lang=en