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CHARLA ERI - Dr. Darius Endlich

  • 2 octubre de 2019
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El miércoles día 2 de octubre, Darius Endlich, investigador de la Universidad de Würzburg, nos ofrece la charla titulada "Tablet-based screening of learning disabilities in elementary school".


Tablet-based screening of learning disabilities in elementary school

Dr. Darius Endlich

University of Würzburg




Reading, writing and maths as basic academic skills are of great importance for the whole lifespan in modern information societies. Diagnosis and following supporting measures for children with low literacy or mathematical competencies should be considered as early as possible. Low-threshold screening strategies depend on economical procedures for assessing these basic academic skills. We developed tablet-based screening procedures to predict children with low spelling competencies (by an error detection task) and children with low reading competencies (by lexical decision and sentence verification tasks). In order to predict children with low mathematical competencies, we developed an arithmetical decision task analogous to a lexical decision task. By analyzing accuracy and reaction latencies of the tablet-based tests and comparing these results with standardized paper-pencil procedures, we conclude that those tablet-based procedures should be considered as economical and valid alternatives.