Universitat de ValènciaEstructura de Investigación Interdisciplinar de Lectura Logo del portal

Workshop: Longitudinal experimental designs and models: A single case approach

  • 28 noviembre de 2023
Dr. Jimmie Leppink

Dr. Jimmie Leppink – Hospital virtual Valdecilla, Santander, Cantabria, Spain

More info: https://www.youtube.com/@LeppinkAnalytics

Date: 19th December 2023

Time: 9:00 to 13:00 hours

Format: Presential (Faculty of Psychology-UV, room to be announced)

Language: English

Organizers: Facultat de Psicologia i Logopèdia (Acciones de Internacionalización en Casa) and Doctoral Programme in Reading and Comprehension (University of Valencia). Attendance will be recognised as a "Specific Activity" by the Doctoral Programme in "Reading and Comprehension".

Registration: https://encuestas.uv.es/index.php/312566?lang=es

Questions: m.angeles.serrano@uv.es


Background. Dynamic phenomena like learning and relations between people can be influenced by interventions and other events in a variety of ways. In this context, single case designs (SCDs) have several advantages over traditional group-based research designs which may allow for a large sample of participants but generally include only one or at best a few measurement occasions per participant. SCDs are about well-designed time series within participant of the same variables of interest, can be applied to any sample size (including N = 1), and – like their traditional group-based counterparts – exist in observational, quasi-experimental, and experimental form. In the latter case, the design is also called single case experimental design (SCED).

Approach. This workshop will focus on SCDs and SCEDs which are useful for the study of learning, relations between people, and other phenomena of interest in psychology and education. In the first half of the workshop, key methodological matters will be discussed and, in small groups or teams of two, designs for possible studies in your department will be developed. In the second half of the workshop, statistical solutions will be presented and can, in small groups or teams of two, be practiced in R and jamovi. Prior use of jamovi or R is not a requirement for this workshop, although it is recommended to (prior to the workshop) install both programs and a few packages in each as explained in the following. Example data files will be provided in CSV format during the workshop.

Programs. (1) R. Once downloaded via https://www.r-project.org/ (or else updated to at least version 4.2.2) and installed on your device, it is recommended to install the packages ‘nlme’ (we will use this for statistical models for N = 1 and for N > 1) and ‘ggplot2’ (we will use this to create graphs of the findings produced with ‘nlme’); and (2) jamovi. Once downloaded via https://www.jamovi.org/ (or else updated to at least version 2.3.28) and installed on your device, it is recommended to install the package ‘GAMLj3’).

Keywords: experimental, longitudinal, methodology, single case designs, statistics.