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NOTE: Any queries or incidents regarding admission by partial validation of foreign studies should be sent to . The deadline for submitting admission applications for the Law Degree ended on June, 15 2024


Call for students applying for admission to any of the Degrees offered by the Faculty of Law in the 2024/25 academic year with partial or full foreign official university studies and who have NOT required the homologation of their degree in Spain.


  • Submission: The processing will be electronic by the Online Office in these dates:
    • Degree in Law: from May 15th to June 15th 2024
    • Rest of Degrees: from 1st to 19th July 2024
  • Results: Before the 30th September (published on the UV’s Official Board)

Places by degree

  • Degree in Law: 8 places
  • Degree in Criminology: 1 place
  • Degree in Political Sciences and Administration 1 place

General Requirements

  • This call is open to students with partial or full foreign university studies who have not started the procedure for homologation or declaration of equivalence of their university studies to the Ministry of Universities of Spain or who have obtained a refusal resolution in these procedures and have a minimum of 30 credits recognised.
  • By agreement of the Academic Committees, applicants must have a minimum average mark of 6.5 and must accredit at least the passing of 60 credits on their original transcript.
  • The admission to continue studies at the University of Valencia involves the completion of at least 30 credits, in addition to the corresponding final degree project.
  • Applications will not be accepted in the following cases:
    • Applications that entail the need to take subjects that are not taught due to the termination of the corresponding study plan.
    • Applications from students with 6 calls for applications in the studies they have started.

Management criteria

  1. Students of degrees in the same branch of knowledge. For qualifying degrees (or pre-qualifying degrees as in the case of the Degree in Law), preference will be given to students from the same degree.
  2. Students from other branches of knowledge.
  3. Once the above criteria have been applied:
    1. Average mark of the academic transcript.
    2. Number of recognised credits.
    3. Duly substantiated reasons for the request:
      1. Work transfers
      2. Family residence transfers
      3. High level and high performance sportspeople
      4. Agreement with the university of origin
      5. Other justified causes

Information on the Professional Practice of Law in Spain

In order to practice as a Lawyer or Court Solicitor in Spain, one must be in possession of a Law Degree, prove completion of the specialized training course (Master's Degree in Law) and pass the final assessment test for professional training convened by the Ministry of Justice.

The homologation of the qualifying Master's Degree in Law based on a foreign degree can be requested from the Spanish Ministry of Universities provieded that proof of possession of "a university degree that meets the same conditions and training requirements" as the study plan of the Dregree in Spanish Law (art. 8.2 RD 889/2022)

The other option for the practice of Law or Attorney is to obtain the Degree in Spanish Law from the partial validation of the foreign degree. The student admitted in this procedure obtains academic recognition of certain subjects on his or her record and must subsequently complete the studies of the Spanish Law Degree program, enrolling in those subjects that have not obtained validation.

Subsequently, and once the degree is finished, the interested party can successively opt for the Master's Degree in Law and Procurement and the Professional Training Test.

Both options (homologation and validation) are not compatible, thast is, if a foreign graduate has initiated a homologation procedure in the Ministry, they cannot request partial validation at the University at the same time. Therefore, when partial validation is requested, it is mandatory to present a responsible declaration of not having started the homologation procedure at the Ministry of Universities.

Finally, if the interested party does not wish to practice their profession in Spain, they can request the declaration of equivalence at the academic level of an Oficial University Degree or Master's Degree, which does not have professional effects, in the Ministry of Universities.


All electronic processing is carried out at the Online Office of the Universitat de València.

Application instructions

Those interested must pay, in the electronic procedure of the “ONLINE OFFICE” the fee indicated in the Decree on university fees for foreign studies €143.76 (Decree 118/2023 of 4t July).

IMPORTANT: This fee will not be refundable in case of not being admitted to the corresponding degree.


  1. ID card, NIE or passport.
  2. Official personal academic certification of the studies completed, stating the duration, in academic years, of the study programme, the subjects taken, the time load of each of these subjects and their grades. IMPORTANT: The date of issue of the certificate may not be later than the last day for submission of applications (15th Juny 2024: Degree in Law - 19th July 2024: Rest of Degrees).
  3. Document with the average mark calculated in base 10 according to the procedure established by the Ministry of Education:
  4. Study plan of the university of origin, with the seal of the university of origin.
  5. Programmes of the subjects taken, with the stamp of the university of origin, or in electronic format with Secure Verification Code. The files may, if necessary, be compressed, or split into several files.
  6. Responsible declaration of not having started the procedure of homologation of the foreign title. This signed document must be attached in te "additional documentation" section.
  7. (Optional) File with a proposal for the validation of subjects, taking into consideration that the subjects proposed for validation must coincide by at least 75% in terms of both teaching load (credits) and content.


Those interested must pay the fee indicated in the Decree on university fees for foreign studies €143.76 (Decree 118/2023 of 4 July).

In the case of being admitted, and at the moment of formalising the enrolment, the interested party must pay 25% of the fees of the recognised credits (Law of Fees 20/2017, of 28th December, of the Generalitat Valenciana).

Degree in Law

Degree in Political Sciences and Administration

Degree in Criminology

The Faculty of Law reserves the right to request original documents at any time.

Certificates issued abroad must comply with the following requirements:

They must be official and issued by the authorities competent to do so, in accordance with the legal system of the country concerned. They must be legalised through diplomatic channels or, where appropriate, by the apostille of the Hague Convention. This requirement does not apply to documents issued by the authorities of Member States of the European Union or signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. They must be accompanied, where appropriate, by the corresponding official translation into any of the official languages of the Comunitat Valenciana.

